Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All laic laidly lair laity lake lamb lambative lambent lame lamel lament lameter lamina lamp lampoon lanate lance lancet lanch lancinate land lane language languid languish laniary lanier laniferous lank lantern lanuginous LAP lapidarious lapidary lapislazuli lappet lapse lapwing lar larboard larceny lard larder large largess lark larum larva larynx lascar lascivious lash lass lassitude lasso last latch latchet late latent lateral lath lathe lather latifolious latitude latten latter lattice laud laugh launch laundress laurel lava lave lavish law lawn lax lay layer lazar lazy lea leacher lead leadwort leaf league leak lean leap learn Lease leash leasing least leather leave leaven lection lecture ledge ledger lee leech leek leer lees left leg legacy legal legate legatee legend legerdemain legible legion legislate legitimate legume leisure lemon lemonade lemures lend length lenient lens lenticular lentiform lentigo lentil lentous leo leopard leper lesion less Lessee lesson lest let lethal lethargy lethe letter lettuce levant levee level lever leveret leviathan levigate levitate levitical levity levy lewd lexicon liable liaison liar libation libel liberal liberate libertine liberty libidinous libra library license licentious lichen lick licorice lid lie lief liege Lien lientery lieu life lift ligament ligature light ligneous ligniferous ligniform like lily limation limature limb limber limbo lime limit limmer limn limous limp limpid lin linch lincture line linen linger linget lingual linguiform linguist liniment link linn linseed linseywoolsey linstock lint lintel lion lip lipothymy lippitude liquate liquefy liquid liquidate liquor lisp lissom list listen literal literary lithe lithograph lithontriptic lithotomy lithotripsy litigant litter little littoral liturgy live liver livery livid lixivium lizard lo load loadstone loaf loam Loan loath loathe lob- lobby lobe local locate lock locket locomotion locus locust locution lode lodge lodh loft lofty log logarithm loggerhead logic logomachy loin loiter loll lone long longitude looby look loom loon loop loose lop lopsided loquacious lord lore loricate lorn lose lot loth lotion lottery lotus loud lounge louse lout louver lovage love low loyal lubber lubric lucent lucid lucifer luciferous luciform luck lucre lucubrate luculent ludicrous lug luggage lugubrious lukewarm lull lumbago lumber luminary luminous lump lunar lunated lunatic lunch lune lungs luniform lupine lurch lure lurid lurk luscious lush lust lustral lustre lustrum lusty lutarious lute luteous luxate luxury lye lymph lynx lyre lythrum macaw mace macerate machinate machine macrocosm macrology macula mad madam madder madefy magazine maggot magic Magistrate magnanimous magnate magnet magnificent magnify magniloquent magnitude magpie maid mail maim main maintain maize majesty major make maladdress maladministration maladroit malady malafides malaise malapert malapropos malaria malcontent male malediction malefactor malefic malevolent malfeasance malformation malice malign malinger malison malkin mall malleable mallet malodorous malpractice malt maltreat malversation mamma mammal mammiferous mammiform mammon man manacle manage manakin manciple mandate mandible mandrake manducate mane manege manes mange manger mangle mango mania manifest manifold manikin maniple manipulate manna manner manoeuvre manor mansion mantle mantua manual manufacture manumit manumotive manure manuscript many map mar marasmus maraud marble marcescent march mare margin marinate marine mariner marionette marital maritime marjoram mark market marking marl marmalade marmorean marmoset maroon | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP