Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All oversleep overspread overstate overstep overstock overstrain overstrung overt overtake overtask overthrow overtop overture overturn overvalue overweening overwhelm overwork overwrought overzeal oviform oviparous ovum owe owl own ox oxidize oyster pabulum pace pachyderm pacify pack pact pad paddle paddock paddy padlock padrone paean pagan page pageant pagoda pail pain pained paint pair palace Palaeontology palaestra palanquin palate palaver pale palette palfrey palindrome palingenesis palisade pall palladium pallet palliate pallid palm palmachristi palmiped palmister palmyra palpable palpitate palsy palter paltry paludal pamper pamphlet pan panacea panagon pancratium pandect pandemic pandemonium pander pandiculation pane panegyric Panel pang panic pannel pannier panoply panorama pant pantaloon pantechnecon pantheist panther pantomime pantry pap papa paper pappy papulae par parable parabola parachute parade paradigm paradise paradox paragraph parallax parallel parallelogram paralysis paramount paramour parapet paraphernalia paraphrase parasite parasol parboil parcel parcener parch parchment pard pardon pare paregoric parent parenthesis parergon parget parhelion pariah parish park parley parliament parlour parlous parochial parody parole paronomasia paronychia parotis paroxysm parricide parrot parry parse parsimony parsley parson part parterre participle particoloured particular partridge parturient party parvenu pasquinade pass passible passion passive passport paste pastern pastime pastor pastry pasture pasty pat patch pate patent paterfamilias paternal paternity path pathetic pathogenesis pathology patient patio patriarch patrician patricide patrimony patriot patrol patron patronymic patten patter pattern paucity paunch pauper pause pave pavilion paw pawn pay pea peace peacock peak peal pearl peasant pease pebble peccable peccadillo peccant peccavi peck pectoral peculate peculiar pecuniary pedagogue pedal pedant peddler pedestal pedestrian pedicle pedicular pedicure pedigree pedler peduncle peel peep peer peevish peewit peg pelf pell pellet pellicle pellmell pellucid pelt pelvis pen penal penance penchant pencil pendant pendent pending pendulous pendulum penetrate peninsula penis penitent pennant penny pensile Pension pensive pentachord pentagon pentangular penult penumbra penury Peon people pepper pepsin peptic peracute peradventure perambulate perannum perceive percent perch perchance percolate percussion perdition perdue perdurable peregrinate peremptory perennial perfect perfidy perforate perforce perform perfume perfunctory perhaps periapt pericardium pericarp pericranium perigee peril period periosteum peripatetic periphery periphrase perish peristyle peritoneum perjure perk permanent permeate permit permute pernicious peroration perpendicular perpetrate perpetual perplex perquisite persecute persevere persist person personnel perspicacious perspicuous perspire persuade pert pertain pertinacious pertinent perturb peruse pervade perverse pervert pervious pest pestle pet petal petition petrify petroleum petrology petticoat pettifogger pettish petty petulant pewit pewter phalanx phantasm phantasmagoria phantasy phantom pharisee pharmacopaeia pharmacy pharos Phase pheasant phenomenon phial philander philanthropy philippic philology philomath philosophy philtre phiz phlebotomy phlegm phonetic phonograph photograph phrase phrenetic phrenology phthisic phylactery physic physiognomy physiography physiology physique piacular picaroon pick picket pickle picnic pictorial picture piebald piece pied pier pierce piety pig pigeon Pigment pigmy pike pilaster pile piles pilfer pilgrim pill pillage pillar pillow pilot pilous pimp pimple pin pincers pinch pine pinion pink pinnace pinnacle pioneer pious pip pipe piquant pique pirate piscator Pisces piscivorous pismire piss pistil pit pitch pitcher pith pittance pity pivot placard placate place placid plagiarism plague plain plaint plait plan planch plane planet planish plank Plant plantain plantigrade plash plaster plastic plat plate plateau | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP