Dictionaries | References S Student’s English-Sanskrit Dictionary Apte's Student's English Sanskrit dictionary (Published 1884) By. Vaman Shivram Apte Type: Dictionary Count : 11,343 (Approx.) Language: English Sanskrit | Show All name nap nape napkin narcotic nard narrate narrow nasal nascent nasty natal natant nation native natron natty nature naught naughty naumachy nausea nautic naval nave navel navigable navigate navy nay neap near neat nebula nebulous necessary necessity neck necrology necromancy nectar need needle nefarious negative neglect negotiate negro neigh neighbour neither neogamist neology neophyte nepenthe nephew nephritic nepotism nereid nerve nescience nest net nether nettle neural neurology neurotomy neuter never nevertheless new news newt next nexus nib nibble nice niche nick nickname nictate nidification niece niggard niggle nigh night nightingale nihil nimble nine ninny nip Nipple nit nitre Nitrogen no noble nocent noctavagant nocturnal nod nodated noddle noddy node nodose nodule noise noisome nomad nome nomenclature nominal nominate non- nonage nonagenarian nonagon nonce nonchalance nondescript none nonentity nonesuch nonfeasance nonpareil nonplus nonsense nonsuited noodle nook noon noose NOR norm north nose nosology nostrum NOT- notch Note nothing notice notify notion notorious notwithstanding nought noun nourish novel november novennial novercal novice now nowise noxious nozzle nubile nubilous nucleus nude nudge nugatory nugget nuisance null nulla numb number numbles numeral numerary numeration numerator numerical numerous numismatics numskull nun nuncio nuncupative nuptial Nurse nurture nut nutant nutriment nutrition nutritious nuxvomica nuzzle nymph nymphomania o oaf oak oakum oar oasis oath obdurate obeisance obelisk obese obey obit Object objuration objurgate oblation obligate oblige oblique obliterate oblivion oblong obloquy obnoxious obscene obscure obsecrate obsequies obsequious observe obsess obsolete obstacle obstetric obstinate obstipation obstreperous obstruct obtain obtest obtrude obtund obvert obviate obvious occasion occident occiput occult occultation occupy occur ocean ochlocracy ochre octagon octave octennial october octogenarian octohedron octopetalous octosyllable octuple ocular odd ode odious odontalgy odour oesophagus of off offal offend offer office offscouring offset offshoot offspring offuscate oft ogle ogre oil ointment old oleaginous oleander oleraceous olfactory olibanum oligarchy olio olive omen omit omnifarious omnigenous omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnivagant omnivorous omphalic omphalocele on ondit one oneirocritic oneiromancy onerous onion only onomatopoeia onset onslaught ontology ooze opal opaque open opera operate operose ophiology ophthalmia opiate opine opium opponent opportune oppose oppress opprobrium oppugn optative optic optimacy optimism Option opulent or oracle oral orange oration orb orbit orchard orchestra ordain ordeal order ordinal ordinance ordinary ordinate ordnance ordure ore organ orgasm orgy orient orifice origin orion orison ornament ornate ornithology orphan orpiment orrery orris orthodox orthoepy orthogon orthography orts oscillate oscitant osprey osseous ostensible ostentation osteocope osteology ostler ostracise other otiose otter ought ounce oust out outact outbalance outbid outbreak outcast outcome outcry outdo Outfit outgo outgrow outing outlander outlandish outlaw Outlay outlet outline outlive outlook outlying outmanoeuvre outmarch outnumber outpour Output outrage outreach outrider Outright outroot outrun outset outshine outside outskirt outspoken outspread outstanding outstretch outstrip outvie outweigh outwit oval ovarious ovation oven over overact overawe overbalance overbear overboard overburden overcast overcautious overcharge overcloud overcome overdo overdress Overdue overeat overestimate overfatigue overflood overgrow overhang overhasty overhaul overhead overhear overjoy overland overlap overlarge overlay overleap overlenient overlie overload overlook overmuch overnight overpass overpay overpeopled overplus overpower overprize overreach override overrule overrun oversee overset overshadow overshoot oversight | Show All Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Credits: Apte Student's English-Sanskrit Dictionary of 1884 from Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 details here. Github RepoArchive.org Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP