गुप् 1.cl. 4. P. °प्यति (p. Ā. गुप्यमान, in Prākṛtguppam°[Jain.] ), to become perplexed or confused, xxvi, 123.">[Dhātup. xxvi, 123.] गुप् 2. (for pr. &c. see गोपय & °पाय, from which the root is derived [cf. 28 & 31">[Pāṇ. 3-1, 28 & 31] ]; perf. जुगोप, [MBh.] &c.; 3. pl. जुगुपुर्, vii, 103, 9">[RV. vii, 103, 9] ; [AV.] &c.; fut. 2nd गोप्स्यति, [AV.] ; vi &c.">[ŚBr. vi &c.] ; fut. 1st गोप्ता or गोपिता, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 44] ; aor. अगौप्सीत् or अगोपीत्, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 50] ; ---10--- ) to guard, defend, protect, preserve (from abl. ), vii, 103, 9">[RV. vii, 103, 9] ; ---12--- &c.; to hide, conceal, xvi, 30">[Śiś. xvi, 30] ( inf. गोपितुम्) : Caus. गोपयति &c. see ss.vv. गोपय and °पाय: Desid. Ā. जुगुप्सते ( [Pāṇ. 3-1, 5] ; ep. also P. °ति) to seek to defend one's self from ( abl. ), be on one's guard ( cf. i, 4, 24, Vārtt. 1), iv, 12">---15--- ; [Gobh.] ; 10, 8">[ChUp. v, 10, 8] ; to beware of, shun, avoid, detest, spurn, despise (with acc. ), [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to feel offended or hurt, iii, 1934">[MBh. i, 6375; iii, 1934] : Desid. of Desid. जुगुप्सिषते, [Pāṇ. 3-1, 7] , Vārtt. 15, vi, 1, 9">---23--- ; ---24--- गुप् mfn. 3.mfn.ifc. ‘defending, protecting’ see धर्म- being on one's guard or preserving one's self from, vi, 66.">[Naiṣ. vi, 66.]