Dictionaries | References श श्रम { śramḥ, śrama } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | ŚRAMA son of Āpa, one of the Aṣṭavasus. Āpa had four sons named Vairuṇḍa Śrama, Śānta and Dhvani. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Aṁ a 1, Chapter 15] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : परिश्रम Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | labor, toil, exertion, tiring or wearying effort. v कर, घे. 2 weariness or fatigue: also vexation, disquietude, discomposure, feeling of distress, annoyance, or disturbance. Ex. नयनि देखति विप्र वधुश्रमा ॥. श्रम टाकणें To cast off the sense of weariness or the burden of trouble and care. Ex. तों स्वामीच्या देखिलें आश्रमातें ॥ कांहीं चित्तें टाकिलें हो श्रमातें ॥. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | m labour, toil. fatigue. disquietude. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | see : परिश्रम Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | पु. १ कष्ट ; आयास ; मेहनत ; राबणूक ; दमणूक . २ दुःख ; खेद ; त्रास ; कंटाळा ; कटकट . देवा होय श्रम दुर्जनांचा । - तुगा १५ . [ सं . श्रम् ] ( वाप्र . ) श्रम टाकणें - दुःखपरिहार होणें ; कष्ट वाटेनासे होणें . तो स्वामीच्या देखिले आश्रमातें । कांही चित्तें टाकिलें हो श्रमातें । - श्रम मागून घेणें - घडलेल्या श्रमाबद्दल क्षमा मागणें ; खेद व्यक्त करणें . घडले श्रम मागून घेतों । - पला २० . ४१ .०कर्म न. कष्टाचें , मेहनतीचें , राबावयास लागणारें काम ; पुष्कळ कष्ट , मेहनत , त्रास घेऊन केलेलें काम . श्रमणें - अक्रि . कष्टी होणें ; दमणें ; थकणें ; भागणें ; त्रासणें ; कंटाळणें ; खेद होणें . श्रमविकल - वि . दमलेला ; थकलेला ; भागलेला ; दुःखी ; कष्टी . श्रमविणें - सक्रि . कष्ट देणें ; त्रास देणें ; थकविणें ; दमविणें [ श्रमणें प्रयोजक ] श्रमविनोदन - न . श्रमपरिहार - स्वभावचित्रें ४२ . श्रमविभाग - पु . श्रमांची , कष्टांची , मेहनतीची वांटणी ; अनेकांनी एका गोष्टीच्या सिद्धयर्थ सहकार्यानें श्रम घेणें , काम करणें . श्रमसहिष्णु - वि . कष्टाळु ; सहनशील . श्रमित , श्रमी - धावि . थकलेला ; दमलेला ; भागलेला ; कष्टी ; दुःखी ; त्रासलेला . हें वर्तमान पुण्यास नानासाहेब व भाऊसाहेब यांस कळतांच बहुत श्रमी जाहले - भाव १७ . २ असंतुष्ट ; नाराज ; नाखुष ; इतराज . गोविंदपंत यांजवर बहुतच श्रमी झाले . - भाब ४९ . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | see : परिश्रम, शारीरिक कार्य Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | श्रम f. m. (ifc.f(आ). ) fatigue, weariness, exhaustion, [RV.] &c. &c.श्रमं-√ कृ exertion, labour, toil, exercise, effort either bodily or mental, hard work of any kind (as in performing acts of bodily mortification, religious exercises and austerity; , ‘to work hard at one's studies’), pains or trouble bestowed on (loc. or comp.), [AV.] &c. &c. ROOTS:श्रमं √ कृ military exercise, drill, [W.] also title or epithet).">N. of a son of आप, [Hariv.] of a son of वसु-देव, [BhP.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | श्रमः [śramḥ] [श्रम्-घञ् न वृद्धिः] toil, labour, exertion, effort; अलं महीपाल तव श्रमेण [R.2.34;] जानाति हि पुनः सम्यक् कविरेव कवेः श्रमम् Subhāṣ.; [R.16.75;] [Ms.9.28.] weariness, fatigue, exhaustion; विनयन्ते स्म तद्योधा मधुभिर्विजय- श्रमम् [R.4.65,67;] [Me.17,52;] [Ki.5.28.] affliction, distress; देशकालविचारीदं श्रमव्यायामनिःस्वनम् [Mb.14.45.2.] penance, austerity, mortification of the body; दिवं यदि प्रार्थयसे वृथा श्रमः [Ku.5.45.] (a) exercise; अयोदण्डेन च श्रममकरोत् [K.76.] (b) especially military exercise, drill. hard study. = आश्रम q. v.; तदा स पर्याववृते श्रमाय [Mb.3.114.5.] -Comp.-अम्बु n. n.,-जलम्, -सलिलम् perspiration, sweat; संपेदे श्रमसलिलोद्गमो विभूषाम् [Ki.7.5.] -आर्त a. a. oppressed by fatigue; [Ms.8.67.] -कर्षित a. a. worn out by fatigue.-घ्नी cucurbita Lagenaria (mar. दुध्या भोपळा).-भञ्जनी the Nāgavela plant.-विनोदः the act of dispelling fatigue. -साध्यa. to be accomplished by dint of labour.-स्थानम् a drill-ground, gymnasium &c. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 श्रम Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | श्रम m. (-मः) 1. military exercise. 2. weariness, fatigue. 3. labour, exer- tion, toil. 4. penance, mortification of the body. 5. hard study. 6. distress. E. श्रम् to be wearied, aff. अच् or घञ् . ROOTS:श्रम् अच् घञ् . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP