To travel, roam, peregrinate. Ex. पुढें मृगयामिषें अटतां ॥ गंगातीरा पातला ॥ aṭaṇēṃ v i To thicken or inspissate by boiling--milk, sugarcane-juice &c. 2 To be reduced into narrow compass; to become compact and firm: also to shrink or shrivel up; to be contracted--leather, cloth &c. Ex. दोरीस पीळ पडला असतां अटती; नित्य मेहनत केली असता शरीर अटून बळकट होतें. 3 To be consumed or used in; to be taken up by. Ex. दोहो अंगरख्याचें कापड एका अंगरख्याला अटलें. 4 To turn out or be short, strait, scanty, deficient--a thing made. N. B. This verb will sometimes be used transitively in the above senses. 5 To waste or dry up--the body, a well or stream: also to be consumed or exhausted--property or a store. Ex. तैसें तुकयाचें धनधान्य समस्त ॥ अटोनि गेलें जेथचे तेथें ॥ .