क्षेत्रम् [kṣētram] [क्षि-ष्ट्रन्] A fiield, ground, soil; चीयते बालिश- स्यापि सत्क्षेत्रपतिता कृषिः
[Mu.1.3.] Landed property, land.
Place, abode, region, repository; कपटशतमयं क्षेत्रमप्रत्ययानाम्
[Pt.1.191;] [Bh.1.77;] [Me.16.] A sacred spot, a place of pilgrimage; क्षेत्रं क्षत्रप्रधनपिशुनं कौरवं तद्भजेथाः
[Me.5;] [Bg.1.1.] An enclosed spot of ground, portion or space, superficies, circuit.
Fertile soil.
Place of origin;
[Bhāg.2.6.1.] A wife; अपि नाम कुलपतेरियमसवर्णक्षेत्रसंभवा स्यात्
[Ś.1;] [Ms.3.175;] वृद्धस्तु व्याधितो वा राजा ... क्षेत्रे बीजमुत्पादयेत्
[Kau.A.1.17.] The sphere of action, the body (regarded as the field of the working of the soul); योगिनो यं विचिन्वन्ति क्षेत्राभ्यन्तर- वर्तिनम्
[Ku.6.77;] [Bg.13.1,2,3.] The mind.
A house; a town.
A plane figure, as a triangle.
A diagram.
A sign of the zodiac.
(in chiromancy) A certain portion marked out on the palm; क्षेत्रं मृजां च विधिवत्कुशलोऽवलोक्य सामुद्रविद्वदति यातमनागतं च
[Bṛi. S.68.1.] -Comp.
-अंशः a degree of the ecliptic.-अधिदेवता the tutelary deity of any sacred piece of ground.
-आजीवः, -करः, -कृत m. m. a cultivator, peasant.-इक्षुः N. of a corn (यवनाल- Mar. जोंधळा).
-गणितम् geometry.
-गत a. a. geometrical. ˚उपपत्तिः f. geometrical proof.
-ज a.
produced in a field.
born from the body.
(जः) one of the 12 kinds of sons allowed by the old Hindu Law, the offspring of a wife by a kinsman duly appointed to raise up issue to the husband;
[Ms.9.167,18;] [Y.1.69,2.128.] -जात a. a. begotten on the wife of another.
-ज्ञ a.
knowing places.
clever, dexterous; क्षेत्रज्ञवद्भाषसे त्वं हि धर्मान्
[Mb.1.89.14.] (ज्ञः) the soul; cf. क्षेत्रज्ञं चापि मां विद्धि सर्वक्षेत्रेषु भारत
[Bg. 13.1,3;] [Ms.12.12.] the Supreme Soul.
a libertine.
a husbandman.
a form of Śiva.
a witness. (-ज्ञा) a girl fifteen years old personating Durgā at a festival.
-देवता the deity of the fields; N. of a serpant.
-पतिः a land-owner, a landlord.
-पदम् a place sacred to a deity; पादौ हरेः क्षेत्रपदानुसर्पणे
[Bhāg. 9.4.2.] पालः a man employed to guard a field.
a deity protecting fields.
an epithet of Śiva.
-फलम् the area or superficial contents of a figure (in math.)-भक्तिः f. the division of a field.
-भूमिः f. f. cultivated land.
-राशिः quantity represented by geometrical figures.
-लिप्ता a minute of the ecliptic.
-विद् a. a. = क्षेत्रज्ञ q. v. (-m.)
a husbandman.
a sage, one who has spiritual knowledge; यमक्षरं क्षेत्रविदो विदुः
[Ku.3.5.] the soul; यः क्षेत्रवित्तपतया हृदि विष्वगाविः
[Bhāg.4.22.37.] व्यवहारः drawing a figure in geometry.
geometrical demonstration.
-स्थ a. a. residing at a sacred place.