Dictionaries | References


   { anvita }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : सम्मिलित


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   anvita a S Connected, joined, linked. 2 Possessed of or possessing. In comp. as शर्करान्वित Mingled with sugar; क्रोधान्वित, कामान्वित, लोभा- न्वित, मदान्वित Filled with rage, lust, cupidity, pride; अकर्मान्वित Linked with wickedness; a rake, a libertine. 3 Connected as in grammar or construction. Note. Compounds bearing the ample sense, Connected with or possessing, are unlimited: formed with judgment, they are serviceable in ornate composition: e.g. मोहा- न्वित, मत्सरान्वित, माया-प्रीती-वैर-द्वेष-सुख-दुःख-भय-प्रेम- हर्ष-आनंद-शोक-संताप-कल्याण-जय-दया-करुणा-पाप- पुण्य-धर्म-अधर्म-विवेक-विचार-भार्या-पुत्र-मित्र-प्रकाश- शोभा-वासना-इच्छा-अनिच्छा-अन्वित.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Connected, joined, linked. Possessed of or possessing.


   संबध्द ; जोडलेला ; युक्त .
   युक्त असलेला ; आधीन ; ग्रासलेला . उदा . कामान्वित ; अकर्मान्वित ( दुष्ट कर्म करणारा ). क्रोधान्वित ; लोभान्वित ; शर्करान्वित .
   व्याकरणामध्यें किंवा वाक्यरचनेंत संबध्दयुक्त ; संबध्द व अशाच पण अनेक व्यापक अर्थी अलंकारिक रीतींनीं या शब्दाचा उपयोग करण्यांत येतो . उ० मायाप्रीति ; सुख - दु : ख ; धर्म - अधर्म ; पाप - पुण्य ; भार्या - पुत्र - मित्र ; हर्ष - आनंद ; शोक - संताप , वगैरे पुढें अन्वित लावितात . [ सं . अनु + इ ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्व्-इत  mfn. mfn. gone along with
अन्व् इत
   joined, attended, accompanied by, connected with, linked to
   having as an essential or inherent part, endowed with, possessed of, possessing
   reached by the mind, understood
   connected as in grammar or construction.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्वित [anvita] p.p. p.  p. p.
   Followed or attended by, in company with, joined by; अमात्यपुत्रैः सवयोभिरन्वितः [R.3.28.]
   Possessed of, having, possessing, endowed with; full of, seized or struck with, overpowered by; with instr. or in compound; कुलान्वितं कुकुलजा निन्दन्ति [Pt. 1.415;] धैर्य˚; गुण˚, वित्त˚; विस्मय˚ struck with wonder; भय˚, क्रोध˚, लोभ˚ &c. &c.
   Connected with, linked to, following (as a consequence).
   Connected grammatically; वर्णाः पदं प्रयोगार्हानन्वितैकार्थबोधकाः [S. D.9.]
   Understood, reached by the mind.
   Suitable, befitting; तपसा चान्वितो वेषस्त्वं राममहिषी ध्रुवम् [Rām.5.33.] 13. -Comp.
-अर्थ a.  a. having a meaning which is easily understood from the context. ˚वादः-अभिधानवादः a doctrine of the Mīmāṁsakas that words in a sentence convey meanings not independently or generally, but as connected with one another in that particular sentence; see अभिहितान्वयवादिन् under अभिधा and [K. P.2.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्वित  mfn.  (-तः-ता-तं)
   1. Joined, connected with.
   2. Having as an essential or inherent part, possessed of, possessing.
   3. Connected as in grammar, or construction.
   E. अनु with, and इत gone, part. of इण्; also अन्वीत.
अनु इत इण्; अन्वीत

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