Dictionaries | References


   { āpat }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   āpat f S misfortune, calamity: also distress or affliction.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   a.-√ 1.पत्P.-पतति, (p.acc.-पतन्तम्, xii, 4, 47">[AV. xii, 4, 47] ; aor.आ॑-पप्तत, 88, 1">[RV. i, 88, 1] [[Pāṇ. 7-4, 19] ]; Pot.perf.आ॑-पपत्यात्, vi, 29, 3">[AV. vi, 29, 3] )
to fly towards, come flying;
to hasten towards, rush in or on [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [Hariv.] ; [Ragh.] &c.;
to fall towards or on [Kathās.] ;
to approach;
to assail;
to fall out, happen;
to appear, appear suddenly;
to fall to one's share, to befall, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Rājat.] ; [BhP.] ; [Pañcat.] ; [Kād.] &c.:
Caus.P. (3. pl.-पत॑यन्ति, 64, 2">[RV. x, 64, 2] ) to fly towards;
-पातयति, to throw down, let fall, cut down;
to shed, [BhP.] ; [Hariv.] ; ---19---
आपत्   b (in comp. for 2.आपद् below).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आपत् [āpat]   1 [P.]
   To fall upon, attack, assail; उदायुधाना- पततः [R.12.44,5.5;] [Bk.3.48.]
   To approach, come towards [K.22;] एतत् प्रायेण श्रुतिविषयमापतितमेव [K.136] has reached the ears; 268.
   To fly towards, come in flying, come or drive in haste, rush upon; अपि नाध्वश्रमः शीघ्रं रथेनापततस्तव [Rām.2.72.5]
   (a) To happen, take place, occur, come to pass; कथमिदमापतितम् [U.2;] [K.262,158;] अहो न शोभनमापतितम् [Pt.2.] (b) To fall to one's lot or share, befall; अहोऽस्माकं महद्भोजनमापतितम् [Pt.1;] आपतन्ति हि संसारपथमवर्तार्णानामेते वृत्तान्ताः [K.175,132;] सर्वस्यैव स्खलितमापतति 291; [H.1.28,168.]
   (a) To occur to, cross (the mind); इति हृदये नापतितम् [K.288] (b) To be felt or regarded; मधुरतराण्यापतन्ति मनसः [K.13] are felt or regarded; 22, 236,329. -Caus. (पातयति) To go towards, approach (Ved.).


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  सहसा आगमनानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. वयं गोमन्तकयात्राम् अनुसन्धातुम् आरब्धवन्तः तदा एव अस्माकं देहलिनिवासिनी मातृभगिनी आपतत्।
गतिसूचक (Motion)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)

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