वि-नय 1. (said to be artificially formed fr. विनृ; for 2. See under वि-√ नी) Nom. P. °यति (with prefix 3. वि; ind.p. वि-विनय्य), [Pāṇ. 1-4, 1] , Vārtt. 7, [Pat.] वि-नय mfn. 2.mfn. (for 1. See p.969) leading away or asunder, separating, [RV. ii, 24, 9] cast, thrown, [L.] secret, [L.] वि-नय m. m. taking away, removal, withdrawal, [Śiś. x, 42] leading, guidance, training (esp. moral tr° ), education, discipline, control, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks, [MWB. 55 &c.] good breeding, propriety of conduct, decency, modesty, mildness, ib. (in the पुराणs sometimes personified as son of क्रिया or of लज्जा) an office, business, [Śiś. xi, 36] N. of a son of सुद्युम्न, [MārkP.] a man of subdued senses, [L.] a merchant, trader, [L.]