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   { mālyavān }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   A mountain situated in the country of Kiṣkindhā. The fight between Bāli and Sugrīva took place near this mountain. this is on the banks of the river Tuṅgabhadrā. Uttara Rāmāyaṇa states that the palace of Sugrīva was on the top of this mountain. Śrī Rāma stayed on the beautiful peak of this mountain for four months. [Śloka 40, Chapter 280, Vana Parva] .
MĀLYAVĀN I   A Pārṣada of Śiva. The most intimate friend of Mālyavān was Puṣpadanta.
1) curse of Mālyavān.
once Śiva was telling Pārvatī a story of the Gandharvas and Puṣpadanta heard it as he sat hiding in a place nearby. Pārvatī got angry and was about to curse when Mālyavān intervened and recommended for mercy. Pārvatī got angrier and cursed them both to be born on earth as men. they begged for relief and Pārvatī said: “In the deep depths of the forest of Vindhya mountains there lives a Yakṣa named Supratīka who has been turned into a devil called Kāṇabhūti by a curse. Puṣpadanta should narrate the story he has now heard to Kāṇabhūti and he will then be released from the curse. Kāṇabhūti would narrate to Mālyavān what he has heard from Puṣpadanta and Kāṇabhūti would then be released from his curse. Mālyavān should then make public the story he has heard and then he will also be released from the curse”. Puṣpadanta was born as Vararuci in the city of Kau- śāmbī and Mālyavān as Guṇāḍhya in the city of Supratiṣṭhita. (see under Guṇāḍhya).
2) another curse to Mālyavān.
By another curse Mālyavān was born as a spider and Puṣpadanta as an elephant in the south of Bhārata. (see under Puṣpadanta
) 3) part in Devāsura battle.
released from curses Mālyavān reached the presence of Śiva. it was the time of the Devāsura battle and Mālyavān fought on the side of the devas. Mālyavān played a prominent part in the battle. Mālyavān had to fight against a fierce archer named Kolāhala. Kolāhala sent three arrows one each on the forehead and the two shoulders. Mālyavān returned the fight with arrows. then Kolāhala showing his swiftness of hand tormented him with several different weapons. unmindful of this vehement attack Mālyavān plucked a hillock and threw it at Kolāhala. then suddenly a fierce figure blazing with fire having nine pairs of hands and feet and three heads looking yellow in colour jumped out of the demon and made Mālyavān faint by the terrible heat it gave out. Mālyavān accepted defeat and ran away to the mountain. [Chapter 13, Part 4, Agni Purāṇa] .
MĀLYAVĀN II   son of the demon Sukeśa. he was the brother of Mālī and Sumālī. this Mālyavān was the father of Rāvaṇa's mother. they were all living in Pātāla but when Rāvaṇa obtained his boon he sent away Kubera from Laṅkā and became the ruler of Laṅkā. Mālyavān and other demons followed Rāvaṇa to Laṅkā and stayed with him confirming his sovereignty over the place. In the Rāma-Rāvaṇa battle Sugrīva stole the crown of Rāvaṇa and kicked him on his face. ashamed of the insult Rāvaṇa went back to his palace and the first person he saw was Mālyavān. The old man had come to advise Rāvaṇa to give back Sītā to Śrī Rāma. But Rāvaṇa did not like the advice and tore to pieces the letter of advice. (For more details see under Mālī).
MĀLYAVĀN III   A mountain. this mountain is situated between the mountains of meru and Mandara in the country of Ilāvṛta. this mountain shines like gold. [Chapter 7, Bhīṣma Parva] .
MĀLYAVĀN IV   another mountain near the Himālayas. The Pāṇḍavas visited this mountain on their way to the mountain Gandhamādana from the āśrama of Ārṣṭiṣeṇa. [Chapter 153, Vana Parva] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  एकः गन्धर्वः यः इन्द्रस्य शापेन पिशाचः बभूव।   Ex. जयैकादश्याः व्रतस्य अज्ञात्वा एव सम्पादनेन माल्यवान् उद्दधार।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  राक्षसविशेषः सुकेशस्य पुत्रश्च।   Ex. माल्यवतः वर्णनं पुराणेषु अस्ति।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)

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