काम्य 1.Nom. P. °यति, to have a desire for (only ifc. e.g. पुत्र-काम्यति, to have a desire for children), [Pāṇ. 3-1, 9] Comm. on 38 and 39">[Pāṇ. 8-3, 38 and 39] ; xxi, 1">[Vop. xxi, 1] ; [Śāntiś.] ; ix, 59.">[Bhaṭṭ. ix, 59.] काम्य mfn. 2.mf(आ)n. desirable, beautiful, amiable, lovely, agreeable, [RV.] ; [VS.] ; ii, 25, 9; v, 43, 13">[R. ii, 25, 9; v, 43, 13] ; vi, 30">[Ragh. vi, 30] ; ii, 7">[Śāntiś. ii, 7] ; iii, 40">---10--- to one's liking, agreeable to one's wish, iv, 5, 1">KātyŚr. iv, 5, 1; iii, 11, 5">---11--- ; iv, 7">[ĀśvGṛ. iv, 7] नित्य optional (opposed to or indispensable observance), performed through the desire of some object or personal advantage (as a religious ceremony &c.), done from desire of benefit or from interested motives, xii, 6, 15">KātyŚr. xii, 6, 15; ii, 10">---13--- ; iii, 6">[ĀśvGṛ. iii, 6] ; ---15--- ; [ChUp. v, 2, 9] ; ii, 2">[Mn. ii, 2] ; [MBh.] &c.