Dictionaries | References


   { adhiḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   adhi S An inseparable preposition implying superiority in place, quantity, or quality; answering to over, above, on, upon.


   शअ . नेहमीं नामाशीं संयुक्त असणारा उपसर्ग . वर ; वरचढ ( स्थल , परिणाम , गुण यानें ). उ० अधिपति .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अधि  m. 1.m. (better आधिq.v.), anxiety
अधि  f. f. a woman in her courses (= अविq.v.), [L.]
अधि  n. 2.ind., as a prefix to verbs and nouns, expresses above, over and above, besides. As a separable adverb or preposition
   (with case.">abl.) Ved. over
   from above, from
   from the presence of
   after, [AitUp.]
   instead of [RV. i, 140, 11] , (with case.">loc.) Ved. over
   in comparison with
   (with case.">acc.) over, upon, concerning.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अधिः [adhiḥ]   [आधीयते दुःखमनेन आधा कि वा. पृ. ह्रस्वः]
   mental pain or agony, see आधिः
   A woman in her courses. (= अवि.)
अधि [adhi]   ind.
   (As a prefix to verbs) over, above; (अधिकार); ˚स्था to stand over; ˚कृ to place over or at the head of; ˚रुह् to grow over or above; over and above, besides, in addition to (आधिक्य); fully, completely (अतिशय, विशेष), to get something in addition to another; अधिगत्य जगत्यधीश्वरात् having obtained fully, अधि intensifying the meaning of the root; इतो वा सातिमीमहे दिवो वा पार्थिवादधि [Rv.1.6.1;] (अधीमहे आधिक्येन याचामहे).
   (As a separable adverb) over, above, from above (mostly vedic); षष्टिर्वारासो अधि षट् [Rv.7.18.14.]
   (As a preposition) with acc. (a) above, over, upon, in (उपरि); यं दन्तमधिजायते नाडी तं दन्तमुद्धरेत् Suśr. अध्यधि just above; लोकानुपर्युपर्यास्तेऽधोऽधोऽध्यधि च माधवः Bopadeva; with gen. also; ये नाकस्याधि रोचने दिवि [Rv. 1.19.6] above the sun; ˚विटपि [Śi.7.35;] ˚त्वत् 7.41; ˚रजनि at night. अधिरजनि जगाम धाम तस्याः 52. (b) with reference to, concerning, in the case of, on the subject of (अधिकृत्य) (mostly in adverbial compounds in this sense); हरौ इति अधिहरि; so अधिस्त्रि; कृष्णमधिकृत्य प्रवृत्ता कथा अधिकृष्णम्; so ˚ज्योतिषम्, ˚लोकम्, ˚दैवम्, ˚दैवतम् treating of stars &c.; ˚पुरन्ध्रि [Śi.6.32] in the case of women. (c) (With abl.) just over, more than (अधिक); सत्त्वादधि महानात्मा Kath.; अविदितादधि (d) (With loc.) over, on or upon, above (showing lordship or sovereignty over something) (ऐश्वर्य); अधिरीश्वरे [P.1.4.97;] अधिभुवि रामः [P.II.3.9] Sk. Rāma rules over the earth; the country ruled over may be used with loc. of 'ruler'; अधि रामे भूः ibid; प्रहारवर्म- ण्यधि विदेहा जाताः [Dk.77] subject to, under the government of, become the property or possession of (अधि denoting स्वत्वं in this case); under, inferior to (हीन); अधि हरौ सुराः (Bopadeva) the gods are under Hari.
   (As first member of Tatpuruṣa compounds) (a) chief, supreme, principal, presiding; ˚देवता presiding deity; ˚राजः supreme or soverign ruler; ˚पतिः supreme lord &c. (b) redundant, superfluous (growing over another); ˚दन्तः = अध्यारूढः (दन्तस्योपरि जातः) दन्तः [P.VI.2.] 188. (c) over, excessive; ˚अधिक्षेपः high censure. according to G. M. अधि has these senses. अधिरध्ययनैश्वर्य- वशित्वस्मरणाधिके । e. g.; उपाध्यायादधीते; इङोऽध्ययनार्थकत्वस्य अधिद्योतकः; अधिपतिः (ऐश्वर्ये); अधीनः (वशित्वे) अधिगतः इनं; मातुरध्येति (स्मरणे); अधिकम् (अधिके).
   instead of; इदमग्ने सुधितं दुर्धितादधि प्रियादु चिन्मन्मनः प्रेय अस्तु ते [Rv.1.14.] 11. In the veda अधि is supposed by B. and R. to have the senses of 'out of', 'from', 'of', 'among', 'before', 'beforehand', 'for', 'in favour of', 'in', 'at'.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अधि  m.  (-धिः) anxiety, mental pain; more usually आधिः
   E. आङ before, धा to have, कि affix; is made short.
आङ धा कि
अधि   ind. over, above, upon, &c. a preposition and prefix to verbs implying superiority in place, quality, or quantity; as अधिष्ठातुं to stand in or on, अधिकर्त्तुं to rule over, अधिशयितुं to exceed: also used in the figurative sense of the same, as अधिगन्तुं to go to or attain; अधिकर्त्तुं to do over again, to repeat or recall; अधीतुं to go over or through, as a book; अधिवस्तुं to reside in or on, to perse- vere: forming also indeclinables with nouns, as अधिरात्रि in the night; अधिग्रहं in or over the house: and compounds with nouns, as अधिदेवता, &c. q. v.
   E. neg. धा to have, कि aff.

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