वि—राज् m. 1.m. (for 2. see s.v. ) king of birds, [BhP.] <br>वि-√ राज् aP. Ā. -राजति, °ते, to reign, rule, govern, master (gen. or acc. ), excel (abl. ), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; to be illustrious or eminent, shine forth, shine out ( abl. ), glitter, [ChUp.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to appear as ( nom. ), [MBh.] : Caus. -राजयति, ( rarely °ते) cause to shine forth, give radiance or lustre, brighten, illuminate, [MBh.] ; [R. &c.] < br> वि-राज् mfn. 2.mfn. (for 1. see p. 949, col. 3) ruling far and wide, sovereign, excellent, splendid, ---10--- <br>वि-राज् mfn. mfn. a ruler, chief. king or queen (applied to अग्नि, सरस्वती, the sun &c.), ib.; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [Br.] ; [MBh.] <br>वि-राज् f. f. excellence, pre-eminence, high rank, dignity, majesty, [TS.] ; [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] <br>वि-राज् mf. mf. the first progeny of ब्रह्मा (according to, 32 &c.">[Mn. i, 32 &c.] , ब्रह्मा having divided his own substance into male and female, produced from the female the male power विराज्, who then produced the first मनु or मनुस्वायम्भुव, who then created the ten प्रजा-पतिs; the [BhP.] states that the male half of ब्रह्मा was मनु, and the other half शत-रूपा, and does not allude to the intervention of विराज्; other पुराणs describe the union of शत-रूपा with विराज् or पुरुष in the first instance, and with मनु in the second; विराज् as a sort of secondary creator, is sometimes identified with प्रजा-पति, ब्रह्मा, अग्नि, पुरुष, and later with विष्णु or कृष्ण, while in [RV. x, 90] , he is represented as born from पुरुष, and पुरुष from him; in the viii, 10, 24; xi, 8, 30">[AV. viii, 10, 24; xi, 8, 30] , विराज् is spoken of as a female, and regarded as a cow; being elsewhere, however, identified with प्राण), 22 &c.">---22--- <br>वि-राज् m. m. (in वेदान्त) also title or epithet).">N. of the supreme intellect located in a supposed aggregate of gross bodies (= वैश्वानर, q. v.), वेदान्तs.<br>क्षत्रिय a warrior (= ), [MBh.] ; ---24--- <br> the body, [MW.] <br> a partic. एकाह, [PañcavBr.] ; [Vait.] <br> also title or epithet).">N. of a son of प्रिय-व्रत and काम्या, [Hariv.] <br> of a son of नर, [VP.] <br> of बुद्ध, ---30--- <br> of a son of राधा, [MW.] <br> of a district, ib.<br>वि-राज् f. f. a particular vedic metre consisting of four पादs of ten syllables each (and therefore also a symbolical also title or epithet).">N. of the number ‘ten’; in ---32--- this metre is represented as attaching itself to मित्र and वरुण, and in [AitBr. i, 4] विराज् is mystically regarded as ‘food’, and invocations are directed to be made in this metre when food is the especial object of prayer; in prosody विराज् is applied to any metre defective by two syllables, [RPrāt.] )<br>वि-राज् f. f. number.">pl. also title or epithet).">N. of partic. bricks (40 in number), [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] <br>