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A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दिव्   1.cl. 1. P.-देवतिcl. 10. P.-देवयति, to cause to lament, to pain, vex;
to ask, beg;
to go;
Ā.°ते, to suffer pain, xxxiii, 51, 32.">[Dhātup. xxxiii, 51, 32.] <br>दिव्   2.cl. 4. दी॑व्यति, °ते, [RV.] ; [Br.] &c. (perf.दिदे॑व, [AV.] ; fut.देविष्यति; cond.अदेविष्यत्, [MBh.] ; [Daś.] ; aor.अदेवीत्, [MBh.] ; &c.; inf.देवितुम्, [MBh.] &c.; ind.p.देवित्वा, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 18] ; -दीव्य, 42, 9">[RV. x, 42, 9] )
to cast, throw, esp. dice i.e. play, gamble (अक्षैस्, 34, 13">---10--- ; iii, 2260">---11--- ; अक्षान्, [Pāṇ. 1-4, 43] ), with (instr.ii, 2509">---13--- ), for (instr., ii, 2061 &c.; acc.[MaitrS. i, 6, 11] ; [ŚBr. v, 4, 4, 23] ; dat.iv, 534; ii, 2468">[MBh. iv, 534; ii, 2468] ; gen. [शतस्य] ---17--- );
to lay a wager, bet with (सा-र्धम्), upon (dat.), ---18--- ;
to play, sport, joke, trifle with (acc.[AV. v, 29] );
to have free scope, spread, increase (ii, 193 B.">---20--- वर्धति);
to shine, be bright [Zd.dīv; (?) Lit.dyvas] iii, 20, 22">[BhP. iii, 20, 22] ;
to praise, rejoice, be drunk or mad;
to sleep;
to wish for;
to go, ---22--- :
Caus.देवयति, to cause to play (Sch.) or to sport, iii, 20, 22">---23--- :
Desid.दिदेविषति and दुद्यूषति, [Pāṇ. 7-2, 49] ; [Kāś.] :
Caus. of Desid.दुद्यूषयति, to incite to play, [Bhaṭṭ. v, 49] :
Intens.देदिवीति, देद्येति, देदेति &c., xx, 17.">---27--- <br>दिव्  f. 3., द्यु॑ (nom.द्यौ॑स्; voc.द्यौस् [vi, 51, 5">[RV. vi, 51, 5] ; vi, 4, 3">---29--- ]; acc.द्या॑म्दि॑वम्; instr.दिवा॑ or दी॑वा [see below]; dat.दिवे [द्यवे, [MBh. i, 3934] ]; abl.gen.दिव॑स् [rarely द्यो॑स्e.g.iv, 27, 3; i, 115, 5">[RV. iv, 27, 3;  i, 115, 5] ] ; loc.दिवि॑, द्य॑वि; du.द्यावाs.v. [द्य॑वी as voc. only, 56, 5">iv, 56, 5]; pl.nom.द्या॑वस् [दिवस् only, ix, 118, 11]; acc.द्यू॑न् [rare, दि॑वस्, दिव॑स्e.g.iv, 3, 8">i, 194, 2; iv, 3, 8]; instr.द्यु॑भिस्; native grammarians give as stems दिव् and द्यो; the latter is declined through all cases like गो, but really does not occur except in forms mentioned above and in द्यो-सलिल, viii, 4658">---32--- , while दिव् and द्यु regularly alternate before vow. and cons.) m. (rarely f.) in Ved., f. in later Skr. heaven, the sky (regarded in Ved. as rising in three tiers [अवम, मध्यम, उत्तम or तृतीय, 60, 6 &amp;c.">---33--- ], and generally as the father (द्यौ॑ष्पिता॑, while the earth is the mother [cf.द्यावा-पृथिवी], and उषस् the daughter), rarely as a goddess, daughter of प्रजा-पति, iii, 33">---34--- ; [ŚBr. i, 7, 4,] )<br>दिवा  n. m. (rarely n.) day (esp. in pl. and in such forms as ), by day (cf.s.v.)<br>द्यवि-द्यवि   , daily, every day<br>
द्यवि द्यवि
अनु द्यून्   , day by day, daily<br>द्युभिस्   and उ॑प द्यु॑भिस्, by day or in the course of days, a long time, [RV.] <br>द्युभिस्   brightness, sheen, glow (only ), 53, 4; iii, 3, 2 &amp;c.">[RV. i, 53, 4; iii, 3, 2 &c.] <br>द्युस्   fire (nom.), [L.] <br>दिव्   [cf.द्यु॑; Gk.Ζεύς, &c. = dyaús, divás; Lat.Jou, Ju in Ju-piter, Jovis, Jovi &c. = dyavas, dyavi; O.E.Tíw; O.H.G.ZîuO.N.Týr.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दिव् [div]   I. 4 P. (दीव्यति, द्यूत or द्यून; desid. दुद्यूषति, दिदे- विषति)<br>   To shine, be bright; दीव्यत्युच्चैर्लघुरघुपतिः किं नु वा स्यात् किमन्यत् [Mv.6.53.] <br>   To throw, cast (as a missile); अदीव्यद्रौद्रमत्युग्रम् [Bk.17.87;5.81.] <br>   To gamble, play with dice (with acc. or instr. of the 'dice'); अक्षैरक्षान् वा दीव्यति Sk.; [Śi.8.32;] [Ve.1.13.] <br>   To play, sport.<br>   To joke, trifle with, make sport of, rally (with acc.).<br>   To stake, make a bet.<br>   To sell, deal in (with gen.); अदेवीद्बन्धुभोगानाम् [Bk.8.122;] (but with acc. or gen. when the root is preceded by a preposition; शतं शतस्य वा परिदीव्यति Sk.)<br>   To squander, make light of.<br>   To praise.<br>   To be glad, rejoice.<br>   To be mad or drunk.<br>   To be sleepy.<br>   To wish for. -ii. 1 P., 1 U. (देवति, देवयति-ते)<br>   To cause to lament, pain, vex, torment.<br>   To ask, beg. -iii. 1 Ā. (देवयते) To suffer pain, lament, moan. -With परि to lament, moan, suffer pain; खरदूषणयोर्भ्रात्रोः पर्यदेविष्ट सा पुरः [Bk.4.34.] <br>दिव् [div]  f. f. [दीव्यन्त्यत्र दिव्-बा˚ आधारे डिवि [Tv.] ] (Nom. sing. द्यौः)<br>   The heaven; दिवं मरुत्वानिव भोक्ष्यते भुवम् [R.3.] 4,12; [Me.3.] <br>   The sky; दिव्यन्तरिक्षे भूमौ च घोरमुत्पात- जं भयम् [Rām.2.1.43.] <br>   A day; अत्र भोक्तव्यमस्माभिर्दिवा- रूढं क्षुधार्दिताः ---10--- <br>   light, brilliance.<br>   fire, glow of fire. N. B. The compounds with दिव् as first member are mostly irregular; e. g. दिवस्पतिः an epithet of indra (of the 13th मन्वन्तर); ---11--- अनतिक्रमणीया दिवस्पतेराज्ञा [Ś.6;] दिवस्पृथिव्यौ heaven and earth. दिविज्ञः, दिविष्ठः, दिविस्थः, दिविस (ष) द् m., दिवोकस् m.,दिवौकस्,<br>-सः   'inhabitant of the heaven', a god; ---13--- [R.3.19,47;] दिविषद्वृन्दैः [Gīt.7.] दिवस्पृश m. the supreme being. दिविस्पृश् a. reaching or pervading the sky.दिवोद्भवा cardamoms. दिवोल्का a meteor. दिवौकस् m.<br>   a god.<br>   the Chātaka bird.<br>   a deer.<br>   a bee.<br>   an elephant.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दिव्  f.  (द्यौः दिवौ दिवः)<br>   1. heaven, paradise.<br>   2. air, sky.<br>   E. दिव् to play, affix क्विप्, where sport immortals; also दिव .<br>
दिव् क्विप् दिव .

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