Dictionaries | References प पाक { pāka } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक Puranic Encyclopaedia | English English | | PĀKA A mighty asura. once this asura gathered a big army and went to fight against indra. A grim battle which lasted for several days took place in which the asura army was destroyed and Pāka killed. indra got thenceforth the name Pākaśāsana. [Chapter 70, Vāyu Purāṇa] . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | noun एक दैत्य Ex. पाक का वर्णन पुराणों में मिलता है । ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:malപാകാസുരന് oriପାକ sanपाकः tamபாக் urdپاک see : पवित्र, पाग, पाकिस्तान, रसोई, पाकिस्तानी Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक प्राचीन चरित्रकोश | Hindi Hindi | | पाक n. इंद्र के द्वारा मारा गया एक असुर । इसीके कारण इंद्र का नाम ‘पाकशासन’ हुआ [भा.७.२.४,८. ११.२२] ;[म.शां.९९.४८] । Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani Konkani | | noun जातूंत मिठाय बी बुडोवन दवरतात असो साकरेक बी कडोवन तयार केल्लो घोळ Ex. मिठायवालो जिलब्यांक गाळून पाकांत घालता ONTOLOGY:खाद्य (Edible) ➜ वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:asmচেনিপানী bdसिनि बिदै gujચાસણી hinपाग kanಪಾಕ kasچاشنی marपाक mniꯆꯤꯅꯤ꯭ꯃꯍꯤ nepपाक panਚਾਸ਼ਣੀ tamபாகு telపాకము urdشیرہ , پاک noun एक राक्षस Ex. पाकाचें वर्णन पुराणांनी मेळटा ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:malപാകാസുരന് oriପାକ sanपाकः tamபாக் urdپاک Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | . pure, clean, free from defilement. Ex. लावली राख आणि झाली पाक. 2 fig. pure of heart; free from malice or guile. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | m dressing, cooking. maturity. digestion. suppuration. decoction (as of medicinal herbs). sugar boiled in preparation for conserves or sweet-meats, syrup. dressed food, victuals. fig. Elaborateness, exquisitely wrought state (as of a poem). a pure, clean. free from malice or guile. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi Marathi | | noun साखरेत किंवा गुळात पाणी घालून केलेला रस Ex. मी दिवाळीत पाकातले चिरोटे केले होते HOLO STUFF OBJECT:गुळंबा ONTOLOGY:खाद्य (Edible) ➜ वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:चाचणी चासणीWordnet:asmচেনিপানী bdसिनि बिदै gujચાસણી hinपाग kanಪಾಕ kasچاشنی kokपाक mniꯆꯤꯅꯤ꯭ꯃꯍꯤ nepपाक panਚਾਸ਼ਣੀ tamபாகு telపాకము urdشیرہ , پاک noun एक दैत्य Ex. पाकचे वर्णन पुराणांत आढळते. ONTOLOGY:पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character) ➜ जन्तु (Fauna) ➜ सजीव (Animate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun)Wordnet:malപാകാസുരന് oriପାକ sanपाकः tamபாக் urdپاک Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali Nepali | | noun चिनी आदिलाई पकाएर बनाइएको त्यो झोल जसमा डुबाएर मिठाईहरू राखिन्छ Ex. मिठाई पसले जेरीहरू छानेर पाकमा हालिरहेको थियो ONTOLOGY:खाद्य (Edible) ➜ वस्तु (Object) ➜ निर्जीव (Inanimate) ➜ संज्ञा (Noun) SYNONYM:चास्नीWordnet:asmচেনিপানী bdसिनि बिदै gujચાસણી hinपाग kanಪಾಕ kasچاشنی kokपाक marपाक mniꯆꯤꯅꯤ꯭ꯃꯍꯤ panਚਾਸ਼ਣੀ tamபாகு telపాకము urdشیرہ , پاک Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | पाक mfn. 1.mfn. (either fr. √ 1.पा+क, ‘drinking, sucking’, or fr. √ 2.पच्, ‘ripening, growing’) very young, [GṛS.] simple, ignorant, inartificial, honest, [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [ĀśvŚr.] पाक m. m. the young of an animal (see उलुक-, कपत-) a child, infant, [L.] also title or epithet).">N. of a दैत्य slain by इन्द्र, [MBh.] ; [Pur.] पाक f. 2.m. (√ 2.पच्; ifc.f(ई). ) cooking, baking, roasting, boiling (trans. and intrans.), [ŚrS.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. burning (of bricks, earthenware &c.), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. any cooked or dressed food, ---10--- digestion, assimilation of food, ---11--- ripening, ripeness (of fruit or of a boil), KātyŚr.; ---12--- ; ---13--- ; ---14--- inflammation, suppuration, ---15--- an abscess, ulcer, place or book or text' as the preceding">ib. ripening of the hair i.e. greyness, old age, [L.] maturity, full development (as of the mind &c.), completion, perfection, excellence, [Hariv.] ; [Kāv.] &c. development of consequences, result (esp. of an act done in a former life), [Var.] ; [Pañc.] ; [MārkP.] any act having consequences, [BhP.] the domestic fire, [L.] a cooking utensil, [L.] पाक general panic or revolution in a country, [W.] (in comp.2. is not always separable from 1.). Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | पाक [pāka] a. small. praiseworthy. Of perfected or matured intellect. Ved. very young. simple, genuine. honest, sincere. ignorant.-कः [पच्-घञ्1 cooking, dressing, baking, boiling. burning, (as bricks), baking; पुनः पाकेन मृन्मयम् (शुद्ध्यति) [Ms. 5.122;] [Y.1.187;] एक एवायमर्थः पाको नाम । तस्यार्थान्तरे वैरूप्यं भवति । अन्यथालक्षण ओदनस्य पाकः अन्यथालक्षणो गुडस्य । ŚB. on [Ms.7.2.2.] digestion (as of food); रूपं चक्षुस्तथा पाकस्त्रिविधं तेज उच्यते [Mb.12.194.1.] ripeness; ओषध्यः फलपाकान्ताः [Ms.1.46;] फलमभिमुखपाकं राज- जम्बूद्रुमस्य [V.4.27;] [Māl.9.31.] maturity, full or perfect development; धी˚, मति˚ completion, accomplishment, fulfilment; युयोज पाकाभिमुखैर्भृत्यान् विज्ञापनाफलैः [R.17.4.] result, consequence, fruit, fruition (fig. also); आशीर्भिरेधयामासुः पुरः पाकाभिरम्बिकाम् [Ku.6.9;] पाकाभिमुखस्य दैवस्य [U.7.4;] ---10--- development of the consequences of acts done. grain, corn, नीवारपाकादि ---11--- (d>पच्यते इति पाकः धान्यम्). ripeness; suppuration (as of a boil). Greyness of hair caused by old age. A domestic fire. An owl. A child, young one. N. N. of a demon killed by indra. An abscess, ulcer. A vessel, cookingutensil. general fear and panic such as causes a revolution or some national calamity. The subversion of a country. inflammation, suppuration.-Comp.-अगारः, -रम्, -आगारः, -रम्, -शाला, -स्थानम् a kitchen.-अतीसारः chronic dysentery.-अत्ययः obscuration of the cornea after inflammation. -अभिमुखa. ready for ripeness or development; युयोज पाकाभिमुखै- र्भृत्यान् विज्ञापनाफलैः ---12--- inclined to favour;-कुटी a potter's kiln, pottery.-क्रिया the act of cooking.-ज a. produced by heat. (जम्) black salt. flatulence.-पण्डितः a master in the art of cooking.-पात्रम्, -भाण्डम् a cooking-utensil.-पुटी a potter's kiln.-भेदकः a particular class of criminals.-यज्ञः a simple or domestic sacrifice (for some varieties of it हुत, प्रहुत, ब्रह्मयज्ञ see Kull. on ---13--- ); वर्तन्ते पाकयज्ञाश्च यज्ञकर्म च नित्यदा ---14--- (com. पाकयज्ञाः गृह्याग्निसाध्या इष्टयः); ---15--- -शासनः, -द्विष्, -हन्तृ m. m. epithets of indra; तत्र निश्चित्य कन्दर्पमगमत् पाकशासनः [Ku.2.] 63; [Ki.11.1.] शासनिः an epithet of Jayanta, son of indra. of Vāli. of arjuna.-शास्त्रम् the science of cooking.-शुक्ला chalk; पाकशुक्ला शिलाधातुः कडिनी करवटी खडी Śabdachandrikā. स्थानम् a kitchen. a potter's kiln. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पाक Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | पाक m. (-कः) 1. maturity, natural or artificial, as the state of being cooked or ripened. 2. cooking, baking, boiling, dressing food. 3. A vessel in which any thing is dressed, a saucepan, a boiler, &c. 4. digestion, assimilation of food. 5. suppuration, ripeness of a boil. 6. Greyness of the hair. 7. general panic, or the sub- version of a country. 8. fear. 9. An owl. 10. The name of a demon. 11. completion. 12. The consequence of an act done. 13. domestic fire. 14. grain, corn. 15. fruit, fruition. mf. (-कः-का) The young of animals. E. पच् to be or become ripe, aff. भावे-घञ्; or पा to nourish, Unādi aff. कन्. ROOTS:पच् भावे-घञ्; पा कन् Related Words पाक पाक कला पाक-प्रणाली भल्लातक पाक पाक शैली पाक भाड़ो मैसूर पाक लावली राख, झाला पाक पाकशैली cuisine culinary art इक्षु-पाक अन्न-पाक डाळीम पाक लघु पाक लवणेविनु पाक नारळी पाक पाक कर्म पाक क्रिया पाक बरतन पाक भाँड़ पाक भांड़ पाक-विधि पाक-शास्त्र رَننُک طریٖقہٕ ਪਾਕ-ਪ੍ਰਣਾਲੀ ପାକ-ପ୍ରଣାଳୀ પાક-પ્રણાલી পাক প্রণালী पतिव्रता पाक, गांडींत बोडे लाख पाकपद्धती west pakistan pakistan पाग islamic republic of pakistan jaggary jaggery jagghery چاشنی رَنٛنُک طٔریٖقہٕ పాకము सिनि बिदै চেনিপানী পাকশৈলী ਚਾਸ਼ਣੀ ରନ୍ଧନଶୈଳୀ પાક શૈલી ચાસણી ಪಾಕ പാചകശൈലി cookery cooking பாகு പാവ് संनायनि आइजें रसोई का बरतन रांदपाचें आयदन رَنن بانہٕ சமயலைறைப் பாத்திரம் स्वयंपाकी भांडे রান্নার বাসন ରୋଷେଇ ପାତ୍ର ଶିରା ਰਸੋਈ ਭਾਂਡਾ રસોઈ પાત્ર പാകം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള പാത്രം ಅಡಿಗೆ ಪಾತ್ರೆ formula recipe pakistani पाकपात्रम् digestible వంటపాత్ర ৰন্ধনপাত্র রস sanctified preparation sacred consecrated चास्नी maple syrup glucose syrup कटुविपाक simple syrup रसोइ पात्र मालदी मैसूरपाक मैसूरपाक़ मैसूर पाक़ नासिकापाक पकाउने भाँडो पुटाह्वय स्वादुपाकिन् पाकसंस्था सालपापड syrup श्वापाकक पुटपाकयुक्ति पांकणें पाकणें Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. 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