Dictionaries | References


   { ṛkṣḥ, ṛkṣa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
ṚKṢA I   A king of the Pūru dynasty. he was the father of Saṁvaraṇa. For genealogy see under the word Saṁvaraṇa [M. B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 94] .
ṚKṢA ii   king Hariha had a son named Ṛkṣa born to him by his wife Sudevā. [Mahābhārata, Ādi Parva, Chapter 95] says that this Ṛkṣa had a son named Matināra, by his wife Jvālā.


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


ऋक्ष ii. n.  (सो. पूरु.) ऋचा का पुत्रइसकी पत्नी तक्षक की कन्या ज्वलन्ती थी । इसका पुत्र अंत्यनार [म.आ.९०.२४] ; अंतिनार देखिये ।
ऋक्ष iii. n.  (सो, पुरुरवस्.) अजमीढ तथा धूमिनी का पुत्रइसकी स्त्री रथंतरी । इसका पुत्र संवरण । म.आ.८९. २७-२८; चक्षु देखिये) ।
ऋक्ष IV. n.  (सो. कुरु.) वायुमतानुसार देवातिथिपुत्र ।
ऋक्ष V. n.  शुक्र का पुत्रइसकी स्त्री विरजा [ब्रह्मांड. ३.७.२११]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   ṛkṣa n S A bear. 2 n A star or a constellation.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   A bear. A star.


  पु. अस्वल ; रीस . - न . एक तारकापुंज . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋक्ष  mfn. 1.mfn. (etym. doubtful) bald, bare, [TS.] ; [MaitrS.]
ऋक्ष  mfn. 2.mfn. (√ 2.ऋष्, iii, 66; 67">[Uṇ. iii, 66; 67] ; probably fr.ऋश्), hurting, pernicious, viii, 24, 27">[RV. viii, 24, 27]
ऋक्ष  m. m. a bear (as a ravenous beast), 56, 3">[RV. v, 56, 3] ; xxiv, 36">[VS. xxiv, 36] ; [Mn.] ; [Suśr.] &c.
   a species of ape, [Kathās.]
   bignonia Indica">bignonia Indica, [L.]
   epithet).">N. of several men, viii, 68, 15">---10--- ; [MBh.] &c.
   of a mountain, [VP.] ; [MBh.]
   (compound.*">ifc.) the best or most excellent, ---14---
ऋक्ष  m. m. pl. the seven stars, the pleiades, the seven ऋषिs, 24, 10">---15--- ; [ŚBr. ii] ; [TĀr.]
ऋक्ष  mn. mn. a star, constellation, lunar mansion, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.
ऋक्ष  n. n. the twelfth part of the ecliptic
   the particular star under which a person happens to be born, [VarBṛS.] ; [Sūryas. &c.]
ऋक्ष   [cf.Gk.ἄρκτος; Lat.word is part of Etymology of ">ursus; Lith.word is part of Etymology of ">loky-s for word is part of Etymology of ">olkys.]
ऋक्ष  mfn. 3.mfn. cut, pierced, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋक्षः [ṛkṣḥ]   [ऋष्-स किच्च [Uṇ.3.66] ]
   A bear; स्त्रीं (हृत्वा) ऋक्षः (भवति) [Ms.12.67.]
   A species of ape; [A. Rām.7.3.6.]
   A kind of deer; प्रजापतिः स्वां दुहितरं दृष्ट्वा तद्रूपधर्षितः । रोहिद्भूतां सोऽन्वधावदृक्षरूपी हतत्रपः ॥ [Bhāg.3.31.] 36.
  N. N. of a mountain.
  N. N. of a plant (भल्लक mar. दिंडा)
   क्षः, क्षमः A star, constellation, lunar mansion; पश्चिमां तु समासीनः सम्यगृक्षविभावनात् [Ms.2.11;3.9;6.1.]
   A sign of the zodiac.
   A star under which a man happens to be born.
-क्षाः   (m. pl.) The seven stars called pleiades; afterwards the seven Ṛiṣis; दक्षिणां दिशमृक्षेषु वार्षिकेष्विव भास्करः (प्रययौ) [R.12.25.]
-क्षा   The north.
-क्षी   A female bear. [cf. gr. arkos, L.ursus]. -Comp.
-इष्टिः   offering to the stars (ग्रहमख); ऋक्षेष्टपाग्रयणं चैव चातुर्मास्यानि चाहरेत् [Ms.6.1.]
-गन्धा   the plant Argyreia Argentea (जांगली, महाश्वेता, क्षीरविदारी).-गन्धिका the plant Batatas Paniculata.
-चक्रम्   the circle of stars.
-जिह्वम्   A kind of leprosy.
-नाथः, -ईशः   'lord of stars' the moon.
-नायकः   A kind of round building. (Agnipurāṇa ch. 14; [V.19.2] ).
-नेमिः  N. N. of Viṣṇu.
-प्रियः   An ox.
   राज्, जः the moon.
   Jāmbuvat, the king of bears.
-विडम्बिन्  m. m. A fraudulent astrologer.
-हरीश्वरः   the lord of bears and apes; an epithet of Sugrīva; दुर्जातबन्धुरयमृक्षहरीश्वरो मे [R.13.72.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऋक्ष   r. 5th cl. (ऋक्ष्णोति) To kill, to hurt or seek to hurt.
ऋक्ष  mfn.  (-क्षः-क्षा-क्षं) pierced, cut, divided.
  mn.  (-क्षः-क्षं) A star, a con- stellation.
  m.  (-क्षः)
   1. A mountain in the peninsula, the temporary residence of rama.
   2. A bear.
   3. A plant, (bignonia Indica.)
   E. ऋष् to go, Unādi affix स, the radical final then becomes क, and be- comes ष; and and form the compound letter क्ष.
ऋष् ष; क्ष

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