वि—कार m. 1am. (for 2. see वि- √ 1.कृ) the syllable वि, [BhP.] वि-कार 1b see col. 1: p. 950, col. 1">p. 950, col. 1. वि-कार 2a &c. see under वि- √ 1.कृ. वि-कार m. 2bm. (for 1. see col. 1: p. 950, col. 1">p. 950, col. 1) change of form or nature, alteration or deviation from any natural state, transformation, modification, change (esp. for the worse) of bodily or mental condition, disease, sickness, hurt, injury, (or) perturbation, emotion, agitation, passion, [ŚrS.] ; [MBh.] &c. an apparition, spectre, [Kathās.] extravagance, ib. a product, [Gaut.] बुद्धि (in सांख्य) a production or derivative from प्रकृति (there are 7 विकारs, viz. , ‘intellect’, अहं-कार, ‘the sense of individuality’, and the 5 तन्-मात्रस्q.v. ; these are also producers, inasmuch as from them come the 16 विकारs which are only productions, viz. the 5 महा-भूतानिq.v. , and the 11 organs, viz. the 5 बुद्धी-न्द्रियाणि or organs of sense, the 5 कर्मे-न्द्रियाणि or organs of action, and मनस्, ‘the mind’), 82 &c.">[IW. 82 &c.] the derivative of a word, [Nir.] contortion of the face, grimace, [Kathās.] change of sentiment, hostility, defection, [MBh.] ; [Rājat.]