Used where one rigidly pays his devotions and performs the appointed rites, and then gives himself up to sensual indulgence. According to some, the observance of the prescribed religious duties, if accomplished before noon, is आचार; if postponed until the afternoon, is but अना- चार. 2 Conduct or deportment gen. 3 Endless compounds are formed: as कुलाचार, देशाचार, वृद्धाचार, लोकाचार, शिष्टाचार, सदाचार, कदाचार, दुराचार. Also आचार-प्राप्त-युक्त-शील-प्रिय-वेत्ता- or ज्ञ, आचारानुगत, आचारानुरूप &c. Many are valuable; and those of less obvious signification will occur in order.