Dictionaries | References

   { i }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  इं

Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
I   (इ). this letter means Kāmadeva. [Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 348] .<br>


   I (आयोडिन)<br>   (symbol for iodine)<br>

भूगोल  | English  Marathi |   | 
   (symbol for iota) आयोटा (सं. i किंवा I)<br>   (also I)<br>

हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  हिंदी वर्णमाला का तीसरा स्वराक्षर   Ex. इ का उच्चारण तालू से होता है । <br>
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdای , ای حرف
   see : कामदेव<br>

कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  हिंदी वर्णमाळेचो तिसरो स्वराक्षर   Ex. चो उच्चारण ताळयेन जाता <br>
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdای , ای حرف

A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   i<br>   i The third vowel. it corresponds with I in pin, sin, grin. [place, way, quarter, direction.<br>

Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   The third vowel.<br>

मराठी (Marathi) WN | Marathi  Marathi |   | 
 noun  मराठी वर्णमालेतील स्वराचे तिसरे अक्षर   Ex. इचे उच्चारण तालूने होतो. <br>
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdای , ای حرف

   चा , ची , चें , षष्ठीचा फारसी प्रत्यय . हा प्रत्यय मराठींत शके १४५० च्या सुमारास घुसला असें राजवाडे यांचें म्हणणें आहे . शके = सं . शक + फा . इ . शके १८४९ = शक + इ + १८४९ .= १८४९ चा शक . श्री कारवे व कोडिवले व वडिगाऊं राजमुद्रा मुख्य समस्त इ असिर्वादु - शके १४२९ मधील एक पत्र . यांतील समस्त इ = चे समस्त . - भात्रिसंवृ १५ . [ फा . ]<br>   सना . हा , ही , हें . तें समस्तीं इहीं भोगावें । - ज्ञा १ . २१७ . इं उनाञनें वागाल ओहवां आली . = हें ऐकून वाघाला हंसू आलें . - भिल्ली भाषा १७ . [ सं . एतत , इदम ; प्रा . ईअ ]<br>   मराठी वर्णमालेंतील तिसरें अक्षर ; व स्वरमालेंतील तिसरा स्वर . अक्षरविकास :- मुख्य चार अवस्था . पहिली इ . स . तिसर्‍या शतकांतील अशोकाच्या गिरनार शिलालेखांत , दुसरी इ . स . ४९३ . मधील एका दानपत्रांत , तिसरी हैहयवंशी राजा जाजल्लदेव याच्या काळांत व चवथी इ . स . १२७३ सुमारच्या लेखांत आढळते . - ओझा .<br>

A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   1. the third vowel of the alphabet, corresponding to i short, and pronounced as that letter in kill &c.<br>  n. 2.ind. an interjection of anger, calling, sorrow, distress, compassion, &c., (g.चा-दि, 57, &amp;c.">[Pāṇ. 1-4, 57, &c.] )<br>   3 base of Nom. and Acc.sg.number,">du. and number.">pl. of the demonstrative pronoun इदम्, ‘this’ or ‘that’<br>   [cf.इ॑तर, इतस्, इतिइ॑द्, इदा॑, इयत्, इव, इह: cf. also Lat.part of Etymology of ">id; Goth.part of Etymology of ">ita; Eng.part of Etymology of ">it; old Germ.part of Etymology of ">iz; Mod.Germ.part of Etymology of ">es.]<br>  m. 4.m.also title or epithet).">N. of कामदेव, [L.] <br>   5.cl. 2. P.ए॑ति (Impv. 2. sg.इहि॑) and 1. Ā.P.अ॑यति, अयते ([cf.अय्]), (pf.इयाय [2. sg.इय॑थ, viii, 1, 10">[AV. viii, 1, 10] , and इये॑थ, [RV.] ] fut.एष्यति; aor.ऐषीत्; inf.एतुम्, ए॑तवे, [RV.] and, [AV.] , ए॑तवै॑, [RV.] ए॑तोस्, [RV.] इत्यै॑, [RV. i, 113, 6, 124, 1] )
to go, walk;
to flow;
to blow;
to advance, spread, get about;
to go to or towards (with acc.), come, [RV.] ; ---10--- ; [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] ; ---14--- ; [Ragh.] &c.;
to go away, escape, pass, retire, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; ---18--- ; [R.] ;
to arise from, come from, ---20--- ; [ChUp.] ;
to return (in this sense only fut.), [MBh.] ; [R.] ;
(with पुनर्) to come back again, return, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Pañcat.] &c.;
to succeed, iii, 127">[Mn. iii, 127] ;
to arrive at, reach, obtain, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; ---30--- ; [Śak.] ; [Hit.] &c.;
to fall into, come to;
to approach with prayers, gain by asking (cf.इत);
to undertake anything (with acc.);
to be employed in, go on with, continue in any condition or relation (with a part. or instr.e.g.असुर-रक्षसानि मृद्यमानानि यन्ति, ‘the असुरs and Rakshases are being continually crushed[ŚBr. i, 1, 4, 14] ; गवामयनेने-युः, ‘they, were engaged in the [festival called] गवामयनxxv, 5, 2">KātyŚr. xxv, 5, 2);
to appear, be, ---34--- :
Intens.Ā.ई॑यते (30, 18">[RV. i, 30, 18] ; p.इयान॑, [RV.] ; inf.इय॑ध्यै, vi, 20, 8">[RV. vi, 20, 8] )
to go quickly or repeatedly;
to come, wander, run, spread, get about, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ;
to appear, make one's appearance, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [BṛĀrUp.] ;
to approach any one with requests (with two acc.), ask, request, [RV.] ; [AV.] :
pass.ई॑यते, to be asked or requested, [RV.] :
Caus.आययति, to cause to go or escape, [Vop.] ;
<br>   [cf.Gk.εἶ-μι, ἴ-μεν; Lat.part of Etymology of ">e-o, part of Etymology of ">ī-mus, part of Etymology of ">i-ter, &c.; Lith.part of Etymology of ">ei-mí, ‘I go’; Slav.part of Etymology of ">i-dû, ‘I go’, part of Etymology of ">i-ti, ‘to go’; Goth.part of Etymology of ">i-ddja, ‘I went.’]<br>

The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
इ [i]   The third letter of the Devanāgarī alphabet.<br>इः [iḥ]   [अ-इञ्]<br>  N. N. of Kāmadeva; cf. [Ki.15.45.] <br>   the number 1; Gīrvaṅa. ind. An interjection of (1) anger; (2) calling; (3) compassion; (4) reproach; (5) wonder; (6) sorrow; (7) distress. cf. इः कामः स्थाणुरिन्द्रोऽर्को वरुणः पादयो द्विपःशुचिः श्रीमानजो बालो विरिञ्चिः कृत्तिकासुतः ॥ [Enm.] <br>इ [i]   I. 2 P. (In Dhātup. written as इण्) (एति, इयाय, अगात्, एतुम्, इत)<br>   To go, go to or towards, come to or near; शशिनं पुनरेति शर्वरी [R.8.56;] ईयुर्भरद्वाजमुनेर्निकेतम् [Bk. 3.4.] <br>   To arrive at, reach, obtain, attain to, go to or be reduced to a particular state, fall into; निर्बुद्धिः क्षयमेति [Mk.1.14] goes to (ruin, is ruined; so वशम्, शत्रुत्वम्, शूद्रताम् &c.).<br>   To return.<br>   To go away, retire; elapse, pass.<br>   To spring from, come or arise from.<br>   To undertake anything (with acc.); सत्रमायन् [Vāj.] <br>   To ask, beg.<br>   To be; to appear.<br>   To be employed in, go on with, be in a particular condition or relation, with a part. or instr.; कृषन्तो ह स्म वै वपन्तो यन्ति Śat. br.; गवामयनेनेयुः Kāty.<br>   To thrive, prosper. II.1 U. = अय् q. v. iii.4 Ā.<br>   To come, appear.<br>   To run, wander.<br>   To go quickly or repeatedly.<br>   To ask, request. -Caus. To cause to go or come. [cf. L. eo; gr. eimi with एमि].<br>

Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
   The third vowel of the alphabet, corresponding to I short, and pro- nounced as that letter in kill, &c.<br>  m.  (इः) A name of kamadeva. Ind. An interjection.<br>   1. Of anger.<br>   2. Of calling.<br>   3. Of sorrow or distress.<br>   4. Of compassion.<br>   E. to go, क्विप् aff.<br>
   r. 1st cl. (अयति) To go, to go to or towards:<br>   with उत् prefixed, to rise or ascend, as the sun, &c.<br>   with अभि and उत् the same, or to rise in the world, to prosper. (ङ) इङ् and अधि always prefixed अधीङ्<br>   r. 2nd cl. (अधीते) To study, to learn, to read over or through. (क) इक् and अधि prefixed<br>   r. 2nd cl. (अध्येति) To remember, to think of. (ण) इण्<br>   r. 2nd cl. (एति) To go. this root takes many prefixes, implying<br>   with अति,<br>   1. To surpass, to surmount.<br>   2. To pass, to spend time or to elapse as time.<br>   With अनु,<br>   1. To go after, to follow.<br>   2. To go like, to imitate in going.<br>   3. To succeed.<br>   With अभि, 1. To obtain, to get.<br>   2. To proceed, to go on.<br>   3. To go.<br>   4. To ap- proach.<br>   5. To serve or worship.<br>   With अप,<br>   1. To go away, to de- part.<br>   2. To perish.<br>   With अभि and उप, To arrive.<br>   With उप,<br>   1. To receive.<br>   2. To aid or assist.<br>   3. To approach or go near so. With निर्, To go forth or out from.<br>   With प्रति,<br>   1. To trust, to confide.<br>   2. To follow, to be added or subjoined to.<br>   3. (In the passive verb,) To become evident or manifest.<br>   With वि, To expend, to waste, to de- part.<br>   With सम् and उप, To obtain, &c.<br>

संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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