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   { ādi }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 adverb  इसी तरह का और भी   Ex. सब्ज़ी में अदरक, लहसुन, प्याज, मिर्ची आदि मसाले पड़ते हैं ।
इत्यादि (man)">रीतिसूचक (Manner)इत्यादि (ADV)">क्रिया विशेषण (Adverb)
   see : आरंभ, आरंभिक, पहला


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   source, stock, root, origin; the seat or subject sustaining, or the cause or principle originating. 2 The beginning, commencement, first part. 3 The first term of a series.
   first, prior, principal, chief. 2 In comp. although the meaning is still this, first or principal, it well corresponds with et cetera: as इंद्रादि देव indra and the other gods, i. e. indra being first, the gods; रंभादि-स्त्रिया, कामक्रोध- लोभादि &c. As the medial member of a compound it assumes क and becomes आदिक, as अकारादिकवर्ण; ब्राह्मणादिक जाति; आकाशादिक भूतें. The alphabet from अ; the castes from the Bráhman; the five elements from आकाश. 3 it forms compounds such as आदिकाल, आदिकाव्य, आदिदेव, आदिधर्म, आदिभाषा, आदिसंप्रदाय &c. Others occur in order.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  source; the beginning.
   prior, chief &c. In compounds it corresponds to et cetera. इंद्रादि देव indra and the other gods. As the intermediate part of a compound आदि becomes आदिक as इंद्रादिक देव, आकाशादिक भूतें.


   आरंभ ; उगम ; मूळ ; प्रारंभ ; पहिला भाग . म्हणौनि नाहीं ऐसिया भवा । आदि कैची । - ज्ञा १५ . २३५ . सारांश , शक ६०२ पर्यंत अर्वाचीन मराठी भाषेची आदि नेण्यास सबळ कारणें आहेत असें दिसतें . - प्रभात पाटण शिलालेख . ( राजवाडे )
   उदभव ; उत्पत्ति ; मूळ उत्पत्तिस्थान .
   ( ल . ) खाण ; झरा . [ सं . ]
   मालेंतील पहिली संख्या किंवा वस्तु ; ( गणित ) श्रेढींतील प्रथम पद .
   वंश ; चरित्र ; कुळी ; कुळकथा . - वि .
   पहिला ; प्रथम ; अगोदरचा ; मूळचा ; प्रमुख ; अग्रणी .
   समासांत या शब्दाचा मूळ अर्थ कायम रहातो तरी तेथें इत्यादि असा विशेष अर्थ होतो जसें - इंद्रादि देव ; रंभादि स्त्रिया ; कामक्रोधादि .
   सामासिक शब्दांत या शब्दास क प्रत्यय लागतो जसें - अकारादिक वर्ण = अ पासूनचीं मूळाक्षरें ; ब्राह्मणादिक जाती ; आकाशादिक भूतें . सामाशब्द - आदिकाव्य ; आदिदेव ; आदिधर्म ; आदिभाषा इ० - क्रिवि . अगोदर ; आधीं . मी आदि उठेन मग तूं ऊठ .
०अंत  पु. आरंभ आणि शेवट ; प्रारंभ आणि समाप्ति ; अव्वल आणि अखेर ; शेंडा आणि बुडखा .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
 adjective  यस खालका अरू पनि   Ex. तरकारीमा अदुवा,लसुन,प्याज,खोर्सानी आदि मसला चाहिन्छ
इत्यादि (man)">रीतिसूचक (Manner)इत्यादि (ADV)">क्रिया विशेषण (Adverb)
   see : आरम्भ


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आदि  m. 1.m. beginning, commencement
   a firstling, first-fruits
इन्द्रादयः सुराः   end of a compound.*">ifc. beginning with, et caetera, and so on (e.g., the gods beginning with इन्द्रi.e.इन्द्र &c.; गृहा-दियुक्त, possessed of houses &c.; एवमादीनि वस्तूनि, such things and others of the same kind: शय्या खट्वा-दिः [Comm. on [Pāṇ. 3-3, 99] ], शय्या means a bed &c.; often with -क at the end e.g.दानधर्मा-दिकम् [[Hit.] ], liberality, justice, &c.)
   the third part in the 7-partite सामन्, [ChUp.]
आदि  mfn. 2.mfn. beginning with , [RāmatUp.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आदि [ādi]   a.
   first, primary, primitive; निदानं त्वादिकारणम् [Ak.]
   chief, first, principal, pre-eminent; oft. at the end of comp. in this sense; see below.
   first in time existing before.
   दीः beginning, commencement (opp. अन्त); अप एव ससर्जादौ तासु बीजमवासृजत् [Ms.1.8;] [Bg.3.41;] अनादि &c.; जगदादिरनादिस्त्वम् [Ku.2.9;] oft. at the end of comp. and translated by 'beginning with', 'et cætera', 'and others', 'and so on' (of the same nature or kind), 'such like'; इन्द्रादयो देवाः the gods indra and others (इन्द्रः आदिर्येषां ते); एवमादि this and the like; भ्वादयो धातवः भू and others, or words beginning with भू, are called roots; oft. used by Pāṇini to denote classes or groups of grammatical words; अदादि, दिवादि, स्वादि &c.
   first part of portion.
   A firstling, first-fruits.
   prime cause.
   one of the seven parts of Sāma; अथ सप्तविधस्य वाचि सप्तविधं सामोपासीत यत्किंच वाचो हुमिति स हिंकारो यत्प्रेति स प्रस्तावो यदेति स आदिः [Ch. Up.2.8.1.] -Comp.
   having beginning and end.
   first and last. (-तम्) beginning and end.
-˚यमकम्  N. N. of a figure in poetry. cf. [Bk.1.21.] ˚वत् having beginning and end, finite. ˚अन्तर्वर्तिन् a. having a beginning, end and middle; being all-in-all.
-उदात्त a.  a. having the acute accent on the first syllable.
-उपान्तम्   ind. from first to last.
-करः, -कर्तृ, -कृत्  m. m. the creator, an epithet of Brahmā or Viṣnu; गरीयसे ब्रह्मणोऽप्यादिकर्त्रे [Bg.11.37;] विशेषणे द्वे य इहादिकर्तुर्वदेदधीती स हि कैयटीयः Śab. [Kau.]
-कर्मन्  n. n. the beginning of an action.
-कविः   'the first poet', an epithet of Brahmā and of Vālmīki; the former is so called because he first produced and promulgated the Vedas; (तेने ब्रह्म हृदा य आदिकवये मुह्यन्ति यत्सूरयः [Bhāg.1.1.1.] ) and the latter, because he was the first to show to others 'the path of poets'; when he beheld one of a pair of Krauñcha birds being killed by a fowler, he cursed the wretch, and his grief unconsciously took the form of a verse (श्लोकत्वमापद्यत यस्य शोकः); he was subsequently told by Brahmā to compose the life of Rāma, and he thus gave to the world the first poem in sanskrit, the Rāmāyaṇa; cf. [U.2.] Viṣkambhaka.
-काण्डम्   the first book of the Rāmāyaṇa.-कारणम् the first or primary cause (of the universe), which, according to the Vedāntins, is brahman; while, according to the Naiyāyikas and particalarly the Vaiśeṣikas, atoms are the first or material cause of the universe, and not god.
   algebra.-काव्यम् the first poem; i. e. the Rāmāyaṇa; see आदिकवि.
-केशवः  N. N. of Viṣṇu.
-जिनः  N. N. of Ṛiṣabha, the first तीर्थंकर.
-तालः   a sort of musical time or ताल; एक एव लघुर्यत्र आदितालः स कथ्यते.
-दीपकम्  N. N. of a figure in rhetoric (the verb standing at the beginning of the sentence). cf. [Bk.1.23.]
   देवः the first or supreme god; पुरुषं शाश्वतं दिव्यं आदिदेव- मजं विभुम् [Bg.1.12,11.38.]
   Nārāyaṇa or Viṣṇu.
   Brahmā; [Mb.12.188.2.]
   the sun.-दैत्यः an epithet of Hiraṇyakaśipu.
-नाथः  N. N. of Ādibuddha.
-पर्वन्  n. n. 'the first section or chapter', N. of the first book of the Mahābhārata.
-पुराणम्   the first Purāṇa, N. of the brahma-Purāṇa. N. of a Jaina religious book.
   पु (पू) रुषः the first or primeval being, the lord of the creation.
   Viṣṇu, Kṛiṣṇa, or Nārāyaṇa; ते च प्रापुरुदन्वन्तं बुबुधे चादिपूरुषः [R.1.6;] तमर्घ्यमर्घ्यादिकयादिपूरुषः [Śi.1.14.]
-बलम्   generative power; first vigour.
-बुद्ध a.  a. perceived in the beginning. (-द्धः) the primitive buddha.
-भव, -भूत a.  a. produced at first.
   (वः, तः) 'the first-born', primeval being, an epithet of Brahmā; इत्युक्त्वादिभवो देवः [Bhāg.7.3.22.]
   also N. of Viṣṇu; रसातलादादि. भवेन पुंसा [R.13.8.]
   an elder brother. (-तम्) minute five elements (पञ्चमहाभूतानि); नष्टे लोके द्विपरार्धावसाने महा- भूतेष्वादिभूतं गतेषु [Bhāg.1.3.25.]
-मूलम्   first foundation, primeval cause.
-योगाचार्यः   'the first teacher of devotion', an epithet of Śiva.
-रसः   the first of he 8 Rasas, i. e. शृङ्गार or love.
-राजः   the first king पृथु; an epithet of manu.
-रूपम्   symptom (of disease).-वंशः primeval race, primitive family.
-वराहः   'the first boar', an epithet of Visṇu, alluding to his third or boar-incarnation.
-विद्वस्  m. m. the first learned man; कपिल.
-विपुला  f. f. N. of an Āryā metre.
-वृक्षः  N. N. of a plant (mar. आपटा).
-शक्तिः  f. f.
   the power of माया or illusion.
   an epithet of Durgā.
   शरीरम् 1. the primitive body.
   the subtle body.-सर्गः the first creation.
आदि [ādi] दी [dī] नवः [navḥ] वम् [vam]   (दी) नवः वम् 1 misfortune, distress.
   hinderance; want of luck (in dice); आदिनवं प्रतिदीन्वे [Av.7.19.4.]
   fault, transgression; [Śi.2.22.] see अनादीनव.
   An inflictor of distress; आदीनवः पुमान् दोषे परिक्लेशदुरन्तयोः Medinī. -Comp.
-दर्श a.  a. having evil designs towards a fellow-player at dice (Ved.); अक्षराजाय कितवं कृतायादिनवदर्शम् [Vāj.3.18.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आदि  m.  only (-दिः)
   1. first, prior.
   2. first, pre-eminent. ind. (In composition,) other, et-cetera, as स्वादि the affix सु et-cetera.
   E. आङ् before दा to give, and कि aff.
आङ् दा कि


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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