वश m. 1.m. will, wish, desire, [RV.] &c. &c. (also pl. व॑शान् अ॑नु or अ॑नु व॑श, ‘according to wish or will, at pleasure’) इ authority, power, control, dominion (in, [AV.] personified), ib. (acc. with verbs of going e.g. with √ , अनु-√ इ, √ गम्, आ-√ गम्, √ य, आ-√ पद्, आ-√ स्था &c., ‘to fall into a person's [gen.] power, become subject or give way to’; acc. with √ नी, आ-√ नी and प्र-√ युज्, or loc. with √ कृ, √ लभ् or Caus. of √ स्था or सं-√ स्था, ‘to reduce to subjection, subdue’; loc. with √ भू, √ वृत्, √ स्था and सं-√ स्था, ‘to be in a person's [gen.] power’; वशेन, °शात्, and °श-तः, with gen. or ifc. , ‘by command of, by force of, on account of, by means of, according to’) birth, origin, [L.] वेश a brothel, [L.] (cf. ) carissa Carandas">carissa Carandas, [L.] the son of a वैश्य and a करणी, [L.] also title or epithet).">N. of a ऋषि preserved by the अश्विन्s, [RV.] अश्व्य (with ) of the supposed author of viii, 46">[RV. viii, 46] (in, [ŚBr.] &c. also of this hymn itself) वाल्मीकि = , [Gal.] pl. also title or epithet).">N. of a people, [AitBr.] ; [MBh.] वश mfn. mf(आ)n. willing, submissive, obedient, subject to or dependent on (gen. ), [Kathās.] ; [BhP.] ; [Pañcat.] docile, [L.] free, licentious, [L.] वश n. 2.n. (cf. वसा) liquid fat, grease, [AV.] ; [AitBr.] ; [Kāṭh.]