वश [vaśa] a. a. [वश् कर्तरि अच् भावे अप् वा]
Subject to, influenced by, under the influence or control of, usually in comp; शोकवशः, मृत्युवशः &c.
Obedient, submissive, compliant.
Humbled, tamed.
Charmed, fascinated.
Subdued by charms.
शः, शम् Wish, desire, wil;
[Ait. Up.5.2.] Power, influence, control, mastership, authority, subjection, submission; स्ववश 'subject to oneself', independent; परवश 'under the influence of others'; अनयत् प्रभुशक्तिसंपदा वशमेको नृपती- ननन्तरान्
[R.8.19;] वशं नी, or आनी to reduce to subjection, subdue, win over; वशं गम्-इ-या &c. to become subject to, give way, yield, submit; विषमालोड्य पास्यामि मा कीचकवशं गमम्
[Mb.4.21.48;] न शुचो वशं वशिनामुत्तम गन्तुमर्हसि
[R.8.9;] वशे कृ or वशीकृ to subdue, overcome, win over; to fascinate, bewitch; वशात् (abl.) is frequently used adverbially in the sense of 'through the force, power or influence of', 'on account of', 'for the purpose of'; दैववशात्, वायुवशात्, कार्यवशात् &c.
Being tamed.
-शः The residence of harlots.-Comp.
-अनुग, -ग, -वर्तिन् (so वशंगत) a. obedient to the will of another, submissive, subject; नमस्यामो देवान्ननु हतविधेस्तेऽपि वशगाः
[Bh.2.94.] (-m.) a servant.
-आढ्यकः a porpoise.
-इन्द्रिय a. a. one who has the command of his senses.
-उपनयनम् an instrument to bring people under control; न ह्येवंविधं वशोपनयनमस्ति भूतानां यथा दण्डः
[Kau.A.1.4.] -कारक a. a. leading to subjection.
-क्रिया winning over, subjection.
-ग a. a. subject, obedient; नमस्यामो देवान्ननु हतविधेस्तेऽपि वशगाः
[Bh.2.94;] [Pt.1.139.] (ा) an obedient wife.