Dictionaries | References


   { aṣṭāvakrḥ, aṣṭāvakra }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  अष्टवक्र


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
1) birth.
The sage Uddālaka had a disciple named Khagodara (Kahodara) and a daughter named Sujāṭā. Appreciating the devotion and good conduct of his disciple, Uddālaka gave his daughter Sujātā in marriage to him. Sujātā became pregnant. When once Khagodara was reciting from the Vedas the babe in the womb of Sujātā said, “I have learnt the mantra you are chanting but the way you chant it is wrong”. (The vibrations of sound created by the utterance of each word is important). Khagodara was angry and he cursed his babe in the womb thus “Since your mind seems to be crooked let your body also be of that type, with curves all over”. When Sujātā delivered the child it had eight bends and light curves and so the boy was named Aṣṭāvakra, meaning one with eight bends. [Chapter 132, Vana Parva, M.B.] .
2) father died before he was born.
When Sujātā was pregnant they suffered much from poverty and at the insistence of Sujātā, Khagodara went to the king Janaka, to beg for some money. Janaka was performing a yāga then and so Khagodara had to wait. When at last he went to the royal assembly he was asked to enter into a polemical contest with Vāndīna, the court scholar and having been defeated by him was asked to drown himself. Uddālaka got a son named Śvetaketu and Sujātā delivered Aṣṭāvakra. both the boys grew in the āśrama on great intimacy and Sujātā withheld the news of the death of her husband from the boys. [Chapter 132, Vana Parva, M.B.] .
3) how Khagodara was got back.
one day the two boys went to bathe in the river and during a controversial talk Śvetaketu said that Aṣṭāvakra had no father. this teased him much and Aṣṭāvakra went to his mother and gathered all the facts about his father. he went, then, straight to the royal assembly of king Janaka. he was not allowed inside. The gate keeper said that he was only a boy and only learned men could go inside the sacrificial hall. Aṣṭāvakra contended that neither size nor age was any indication of one's knowledge or worth and got himself admitted into the hall. there he entered into a polemical contest with the same court scholar, Vāndīna, who had killed his father. Vāndīna was defeated and was thrown into the same river in which his father had drowned himself. The moment Vāndīna fell into the river Khagodara rose up from there and the father and son along with Śvetaketu returned to the āśrama. Khagodara then took his son for a bath and when it was over Aṣṭāvakra became a bright boy without crooks. [Chapter 133, Vana Parva, M.B.] br> 4) marriage.
Aṣṭāvakra wanted to marry Suprabhā, the daughter of a sage named Vadānya. When Vadānya was approached for this the sage decided to test the love which Aṣṭāvakra had towards his daughter and said: “I am going to test you. you go to the north to the Himālayas. pay homage to Śiva and Pārvatī and go further north. there you will find a very beautiful damsel. you talk to her and return and when you come back I shall give you my daughter.” Accepting this challenge Aṣṭāvakra went north. When he went to the Himālayas Kubera entertained him. he remained there for a year enjoying the dances of celestial maidens and then, after worshipping Śiva and Pārvatī went further north. there he came across seven very attractive women. At the command of Aṣṭāvakra the eldest of the lot, Uttarā, remained with him; all the rest left the place immediately she started making love with him and requested him to marry her. But Aṣṭāvakra did not yield and told her about his promise to Vadānya. pleased at this reply Uttarā revealed that she was the queen of the north in disguise and was testing him. she then blessed Aṣṭāvakra who fulfilling his mission successfully, returned and married the girl he wanted. [Chapter 19, Anuśāsana Parva, M.B.] .
5) another version of how the body became crooked.
there is another story also about Aṣṭāvakra. once there lived a sage named Asita. he did great penance to please Śiva to bless him with a child. Śiva blessed him and he got a son named Devala. Rambhā, the queen of devaloka, fell in love with him but Devala did not yield to her wishes. then Rambhā cursed him and made him into one with eight crooks. thus Devala came to be called Aṣṭāvakra. he then did penance for six thousand years and Bhagavān Kṛṣṇa accompanied by Rādhā appeared before him. Rādhā was shocked by the ugliness of the sage and did not relish his sight. But Kṛṣṇa asking her to remain quiet went and embraced him. At once Aṣṭāvakra lost all his crooks and became a beautiful man. At that time a chariot descended from heaven and all of them went to heaven in it. [Brahmavaivartta Purāṇa] .
6) other information.
(1) Aṣṭāvakra was also present among the ṛṣis who partook in the coronation ceremony conducted after Rāma's return to Ayodhyā from Laṅkā. [Uttararāmāyaṇa] .
(2) Aṣṭāvakra cursed those. celestial maidens who rebuked him for his ugliness and they were born on earth as the wives of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. When after the death of Kṛṣṇa they were being taken by arjuna to the north they were forcibly taken by some of the shepherds. [Chapter 15, Agni Purāṇa] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
 noun  एक ऋषि जो बहुत ही कुरुप थे   Ex. अष्टावक्र परम ज्ञानी थे ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
अष्टावक्र ऋषि
marअष्टावक्र ऋषी
tamஅஷ்டாவக்ர ரிஷி
urdاسٹاوکر , اسٹاوکررشی


अष्टावक्र n.  कहोल का पुत्रउद्दालक के सुजाता नामक कन्या का पुत्र, तथा श्वेतकेतु का मामा [म.व.१३८]कहोल के द्वारा निरंतर किये जानेवाले अध्ययन का इसने गर्भवास में ही मजाक उडाया । तब, शिष्य के समक्ष, तुमने मेरा अपमान किया, इसलिये आठ स्थानों पर तुम टेढे रहोगे, ऐसा शाप कहोल ने इसे दियाकुछ दिनों के पश्चात्, दशम मास लगने के कारण सुजाता का प्रसवकाल निकटगयाआवश्यक धन न होने के कारण, कहोल जनक के पास धनप्राप्ति के लिये गयापरंतु वहॉं, वरुणपुत्र बंदी ने कहोल को वादविवाद में जीत कर, वहॉं के नियमानुसार पानी में डुबो दियाउद्दालक की इच्छानुसार, यह बात गुप्त रख ने का सब ने निश्चय किया । जन्म के बाद, अष्टावक्र उद्दालक को ही अपना पिता तथा श्वेतकेतु को भाई समझता थाबारह वर्षे का होने के पश्चात्, एक दिन सहजभाव से यह उद्दालक की गोदमें बैठा थातब, यह तुम्हारे बाप की गोदी नही है, -कह कर श्वेतकेतु ने इसका अपमान किया । तब पूछने पर सुजाता ने इसे पूरी जानकारी दीतदनंतर, श्वेतकेतु के साथ यह जनक के यज्ञ की ओर गया । वहॉं प्रवेश के लिये बाधा आईद्वारपाल से सयुक्तिक भाषक कर के इसने सभा में प्रवेश प्राप्त किया, तथा वहॉं बंदी को वाद का आव्हान कर के उसे पराजित किया । बंदी ने जिस जिस व्यक्ति को वाद में जीत कर पानी में डुबोया था, वे सब वरुण के घर के द्वादश वाहिक सत्र में गये थे । वे सब वापस आ रहे है, ऐसा कह कर इसने सब को वापस लायाकहोल तथ अष्टावक्र का मिलन हुआ । तथापि अन्त में, बंदी को जनक ने सागर में डुबो ही दिया [म.व.१३४]उपरोक्त अष्टावक्र की कथा, लोमश ने युधिष्ठिर को श्वेतकेतु के आश्रम में बताई है । कहोल ने समंगा नदी में स्नान करने को बता कर, इसका टेढा शरीर सीधा किया [म. व.१३२] आगे चल कर, वदान्य ऋषि की सुप्रभा नामक कन्या से इसका विवाह तय हुआ । परंतु उसने इसे कहा कि, उत्तर दिशा में हिमालय के ऊपरी भाग में, एक वृद्ध स्त्री तपश्चर्या कर रही है । वहॉं तक जा कर आने के बाद ही यह विवाह होगा । अष्टावक्र ने यह शर्त मंजूर कीप्रवास करते करते, उस दिव्य प्रदेश से कुबेर का सत्कार स्वीकार कर यह वृद्ध स्त्री के स्थल पर आया । वहॉं इसे ऐश्वर्य की परमावधि तथा अनेक सुन्दर स्त्रियॉं दिखीं । उन्हें जाने के लिये कह कर, उस वृद्ध स्त्री के पास रहने का इसने निश्चय किया । रात्रि के समय शय्या पर जब यह विश्राम कर रहा था, तब वह वृद्ध स्त्री ठंड से कँपकँपाती हुई, इसके पास आई तथा इसको आलिंगन कर प्रेमयाचना करने लगीपरंतु परस्त्री मान कर अष्टावक्र ने उसकी प्रार्थना अमान्य कर दीउसकी हर चीज की ओर देख कर, अष्टावक्र के मन में घृणा उत्पन्न होती थी । दूसरा दिन उसी ऐश्वर्य में बिताने के बाद, रात्रि के समय पुनः वही प्रकार हुआ । उस समय, वृद्धा ने यौवनरुप धारण किया थाउसने यह भी कहा कि, वह कुमारिका है । परंतु, मेरा विवाह तय हो गया है, ऐस बता कर इसने उसे निवृत्त किया । तब इसके निग्रही स्वभाव के प्रति संतोष प्रगट कर, वृद्धा ने कहा कि, मैं उत्तरदिग्देवता हूँ । तुम्हारे भावी श्वशुर की इच्छानुसार मैनें तुम्हारी परीक्षा ली [म. अनु.५०-५६२]तदनंतर सुप्रभा के साथ इसका विवाह हुआ । यह बडा तत्त्वज्ञानी था । इसके नामक पर ‘अष्टावक्रगीता ’ नामक एक ग्रंथ प्रसिद्ध है । वह गीता इसने जनक को बताई । एक बार लोकेश्वर नामक ब्रह्मदेव के समय, व्याध के बाण से हरिहर नामक ब्राह्मण का पैर टूट गयाचक्रतीर्थ में स्नान करने पर, वह पैर उसे पुनः प्राप्त हुआ । चक्रतीर्थ की महत्ता की यह कथा, इसने बताई है [स्कंद.३.१.२४] ‘अष्टावक्रसंहिता; नामक ग्रंथ इसके नाम पर है (C.C.) । इसने अप्सराओं को विष्णु को पतिरुप में प्राप्त करने का वरदान दिया, परंतु पानी से बाहर आने पर अप्सरायें इसका वक्रत्व देख कर हँस पडी । तब इसने उन्हें शाप दिया कि, आभीर तुम्हारा हरण करेंगे [ब्रह्म.२१२.८६] । उसी के अनुसार, कृष्णनिर्याण के पश्चात् अर्जुन जब कृष्णपत्नियों को द्वारका से ले जा रहा था, तब मार्ग में आभीरों ने उनका हरण किया ।


कोंकणी (Konkani) WN | Konkani  Konkani |   | 
 noun  खुबूच कुरूप आशिल्लो असो एक रुशी   Ex. अष्टावक्र खूब ज्ञानी आशिल्लो
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
अष्टावक्र रुशी
marअष्टावक्र ऋषी
tamஅஷ்டாவக்ர ரிஷி
urdاسٹاوکر , اسٹاوکررشی


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A term for any person or article of great deformity or remarkable unshapeliness.


   या नांवाचा कहोड ऋषीचा मुलगा ; ( गर्भांत असतां बापास अध्ययनांतील चुकीबद्दल यानें हिणविलें म्हणून त्याच्या शापानें हा आठ ठिकाणीं वांकडा झाला . त्यावरुन ) आठ ठिकाणीं वांकडा .
   ( ल . ) कुरुप ; विद्रूप ; विलक्षण दिसणारा ( इसम , बेढब वस्तु ).


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अष्टा—वक्र  m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of a Brāhman (a son of कहोड), iii, 10599 seqq. &c.">[MBh. iii, 10599 seqq. &c.]
   of another man, [Kathās.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अष्टावक्रः [aṣṭāvakrḥ]   [अष्टकृत्वः अष्टसु भागेषु वा वक्रः] N. of a celebrated Brāhmaṇa son of the great sage Kahoḍa. [Kahoḍa married a daughter of his preceptor Uddālaka, but he was so devoted to study that he generally neglected her. When once she was far advanced in pregnancy, the unborn son was provoked at his father's neglect of her and rebuked him for his absorption in study to the neglect even of his wife. The sage was very angry at this impertinence and condemned him to be born crooked; so he came forth with his eight (aṣṭa) limbs crooked (vakra); whence his name; यस्मात्कुक्षौ वर्तमानो ब्रवीषि तस्माद्वको भवितास्यष्टकृत्वः mb. when Kahoḍa was drowned into a river as the result of a wager in a dispute with a buddhist, young Aṣṭavakra defeated the sage and delivered his father, who, being pleased, directed his son to bathe into the Samaṅgā river, on doing which the lad became perfectly straight, see [Mb. Adhyāyas 132-34] of the Vanaparvan.]

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