संज्ञा [sañjñā] 9 Ā.
To know, understand, be aware of.
To recognize.
To live in harmony, agree together (with acc. or instr.); पित्रा पितरं वा संजानीते
[Sk.] To watch, be on the alert; संजानानान् परिहरन् रावणानुचरान् बहून्
[Bk.8.27.] To accede or agree to.
To remember, think of (Paras); मातुः मातरं वा संजानाति
[Sk.] To direct, appoint. Caus.
To inform.
To appease, gratify, console.
(a) To quiet, pacify (a sacrificial animal). (b) To kill.
To command, enjoin.
To animate.
To make intelligible, cause to be understood, inform.
To make a sign to (any one), communicate by signs.
संज्ञा [sañjñā] 1 Consciousness, अकरुण पुनः संज्ञाव्याधिं विधाय किमीहसे
[Māl.9.42;] रतिखेदसमुत्पन्ना निद्रा संज्ञाविपर्ययः
[Ku.6.44.] संज्ञा लभ्, आपद् or प्रतिपद् 'to regain or recover one's consciousness, come to one's senses'.
Knowledge, understanding; नायका मम सैन्यस्य संज्ञार्थं तान् व्रवीमि ते
[Bg.1.7;] [Mb.12.153.63.] Intellect, mind; लोकतन्त्रं हि संज्ञाश्च सर्वमन्ने प्रतिष्ठितम्
[Mb.13.63.5.] A hint, sign, token, gesture; मुखापिंतैकाङ्गुलिसंज्ञयैव मा चापलायेति गणान् व्यनैषीत्
[Ku.3.41;] उपलभ्य ततश्च धर्मसंज्ञाम्
[Bu. Ch.5.21] ;
[Bhāg. 6.7.17.] A name, designation, an appellation; oft. at the end of comp. in this sense; द्वन्द्वैर्विमुक्ताः सुखदुःखसंज्ञैः
[Bg.15.5.] (In gram.) Any name or noun having a special meaning, a proper name.
The technical name for an affix.
The Gāyatrī Mantra; see गायत्री.
A track, footstep.
A technical term.
N. N. of the daughter of Viśvakarman and wife of the sun, and mother of Yama, Yamī, and the two Aśvins. [A legend relates that संज्ञा on one occasion wished to go to her father's house and asked her husband's permission, which was not granted. Resolved to carry out her purpose, she created, by means of her superhuman power, a woman exactly like herself who was, as it were, her own shadow (and was therefore called Chhāyā), and putting her in her own place, went away without the knowledge of the sun. Chhāya bore to the sun three children (see छाया), and lived quite happily with him, so that when Saṁjñā returned, he would not admit her. Thus repudiated and disappointed, she assumed the form of a mare and roamed over the earth. The sun, however, in course of time, came to know the real state of things, and discovered that his wife had assumed the form of a mare. He accordingly assumed the form of a horse, and was united with his wife, who bore to him, two sonsthe Aśvinīkumāras or Aśvins q. v.]-Comp.
-अधिकारः a leading rule which gives a particular name to the rules falling under it, and which exercises influence over them.
-विपर्ययः loss of consciousness; रतिखेदसमुत्पन्ना निद्रा संज्ञाविपर्ययः
[Ku.6.44.] -विषयः an epithet, an attribute.
-सुतः an epithet of Saturn.-सूत्रम् any Sūtra which teaches the meaning of a technical term.