भागः [bhāgḥ] [भज् भावे घञ्]
A part, portion, share, division; as in भागहर, भागशः &c.
Allotment, distribution, partition.
Lot, fate; निर्माणभागः परिणतः
[U.4.] A part of any whole; a fraction.
The numerator of a fraction.
A quarter, one-fourth part.
A degree or the 36th part of the circumference of a circle.
The 3th part of a zodiacal sign.
The quotient.
Room, space, spot, region, place; अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागमवस्थिताः
[Bg.1.11.;] [R.18.47.] A portion payable to Government; सीता, भागो, बलिः, करो ...... राष्ट्रम्
[Kau.A.2.6.24.] One of the four contentments (Sā&ndot. phil.); आध्यात्मिकाश्चतस्रः प्रकृत्युपादान- कालभागाख्याः (v. l. भाग्याख्याः) Sā&ndot.
[K.5.] A half-rupee.
The number eleven. -Comp. -अनुबन्धजातिःf. assimilation of quantities by fractional increase.-अपवाहजातिः,
-अपवाहनम् f. f. assimilation of quantities by fractional decrease.
-अपहारिन् a. a. receiving a share.-अर्थिन् a. desirous of a share.
-अर्ह a. a. entitled to a share or inheritance.
-कल्पना allotment of shares.-जातिः f. reduction of fractions to a common denominator (in math.).
-धानम् a treasury.
धेयम् a share, part, portion; उच्छिष्टं भागधेयं स्याद्दर्मेषु विकिरश्च यः
[Ms.3.245;] नीवारभागधेयोचितैर्मृगैः
[R.1.5.] fortune, destiny, luck.
good fortune or luck; तद् भागधेयं परमं पशूनाम्
[Bh.2.12.] property.
(यः) a tax; अन्यमेव भागधेयमेते तपस्विनो निर्वपन्ति
[Ś.2.] an heir.
-भाज् a. a. interested, a sharer or partner. -भुज्m. a king, sovereign.
-मातृ f. f. (in alg.) a particular rule of division.
-लक्षणा a kind of लक्षणा or secondary use of a word by which it partly loses and partly retains its primary meaning; also called जहदजहल्लक्षणा;e. g. सोऽयं देवदत्तः.
-लेख्यम् a partition-deed; विभागपत्रं कुर्वन्ति भागलेख्यं तदुच्यते
[Śukra.2.297.] हरः a co-heir.
division (in math.)
-हारः . .
-हारिन् a. a. entitled to a share, inheriting. (-m.)