The association between the Govern nent of Bombay and Dr. G. 8. Sardesai
has been a fruitful one to studonts of Indian History. Dr. Sardesai has done
monu:nental work in p'oparing the 46 volunes of the series "Selections from
the Peshwa Daftar ". He has also dono his share in comploting the "Poona
Residoncy Correspondence Series ". During the course of his work on these
two series and on his History of the Marathas both in English and Mara hi,
he collected a considerable body of infor:nation about the fa; and indivi-
duals who inluenced and shapcd the history of India from the Seventeenth
century onwards. Work on genoalogies of these fa:uiles was begun by an
associate of Dr. G. S. Sardesai, the late Shri V. S. Chit le himself a painstaking
student of Maratha history. Unfortunately Shri Chitalo could not complete
the work beforo his sad and premature death. At my request Dr. Sardesai,
at an advanced age of over 90 offored to complete this work for the State
Board for Historical Records and Ancient Monuments of the Government of
Bo:rbay and I considor it a priviloge to place it before scholar as Goneral
These genealogijes would prove a ready and important reference tool for
students of Indian History in gonoral and Maratha history in particuļar.
Shri V. G. Khobrekar and Shri Y. R. Tamhane have seen the volume
through the Press with :uch care. They are also responsible for compiling
the b bliography at the end of the volume.
Shri Khobrekar from the office for well over eight months, Shri Tamhane
alone attended to the proofs and othor matters.
Du ing the absence of
Sccretariat Record Offies
16th March 1957.
MO-A Na 127a