पुराणाकाव्यस्तोत्रसुधा ।
We are extremely grateful to His Excellency Shri. R. R.
Diwakar, Governor of Bihar, for having kindly given us
permission to dedicate this humble work to him on the
occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday Celebrations. We are
equally grateful to Hon'ble Shri. B. N. Datar, Deputy
Minister for Home Affairs, New Delhi, for having kindly
contributed a Foreword for this work. Both these Savants
possess a rare combination of eminent sacrifice, statesman-
ship and scholarship.
I am extremely thankful to Captain Dr. R. C. Shrikhande,
M. B., B. S., for his constant encouragement and the excellent
block of Radha on the Frontispiece; to my Research
Assistants Shrimati Shantabai G. Ghanekar, Shri. Nana-
charya Pangri, Shri. Venkannacharya Valvekar, and Shri.
Ramacharya Joshi, for rendering valuable services during
the preparation and publication of the work; to Master
Jagadish Karmarkar for the correction of proofs; and to
Shri. V. S. Deshpande for the excellent printing and get-
up of the Volume.
I cannot forget the unique services rendered by Miss
Mira and Sunanda, and their mother Mrs. Sushilabai in
offering cups of tea- always followed by pleasant smiles,
even without the author's asking for the same. The Puranic
writings possess their own peculiarities of grammar and
composition. We have retained them as they are.
Puranic Research Institute,
Thalakwadi, BELGAUM.
7th April, 1955.
A. P. Karmarkar,