Bhamini Vilas - Page 19

Bhamini Vilas - Page 19

worth its name only if this quality, #rga, is present in it
HTgà is one of the ten qualities of r and partakes of a
twofold nature- and STt. The 'Verbal Sweetness'
(शाब्दमाधुर्) is defined by Jagannaths &s : मेयोगपरहस्बाति-
रिक्तवर्णघाटेत-वे सति पृथक्पदत्वं माधुयम।
gained by the use of separate words while at the same
time avoiding short syllables followed by conjuncts.
And the Sweetness of sense' ( a) is defined as:
एकस्या एवोक्ते्भङ्गयन्तरगेण पुनः कथनात्मकमुक्तिवैचित्र्यं माधुर्यम् । The
*Sweet ness of sense' is the variety of expressing one and
the same idea in different charming ways. The f -
ana of course, is characterized by this two-fold Arga.
and Jagannātha's claim has to be conceded.
'Verbal Sweetness' is
However, attention must be drawn to certain draw-
backs in Jagannātha's poetry from our own point of view.
One such is his mannerisms. Sometimes he prefers an
awkward way of expressing an ides to a direct and
simple expression of the same.
is the use of the expression पुटि तन् in the line यन्पिपतामापि
নृणां पिष्टोऽपि तनोषि परिमलैः पुटिम। He means to sev, 'Thou
delightest with thy fragrance etc.' But instead of directly
saying so, he uses the rather awkward phrase gfe aai,
"Thou dost bring about the nourishment or satisfaction
resulting therefrom'. aTTAan in vs. 15 in the Prūstāvika
rilūsa is another phrase showing the same drawback,
It is not difficult to perceive why Jagennātha used the
phrase greaa in the context. The reason is, and that
shows another drawback, Jagannātha's great love for
alliteration. This passionate love for an alliterative
effect is responsible for the occasional use of round-
about expressions. In fairness to the Pandit, however, it
must be noted that much of whatever artificiality is seen
An illustration in point

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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