Bhamini Vilas - Page 147

Bhamini Vilas - Page 147

the standard which Jagannātha sets for all aspirants for
recognition as poets to conform to.
shows that in the opinion of Jagannā ta a poetic composition,
whatever its other qualities, must needs possess A. a
the heart. नो चैत् eto.A poem wanting in माधुर्य does not deserve
& recital in tbe presence of poets like Jagannātba ! Fortunately,
such a 'highbrow' attitude is not shared by many; other-
wise the pumber of mute Miltons would swell-to the detri-
ment, in the last analysis, of the Maee of poetry herself.
contrast Jaganı ātha's characteristic w rds aua gaat
मनसाऽपि गन्धः कस्तूरिका जननशक्तिभूतामृगेण । ( R. G. ) with the more
sensible view of Jayadeva: अपि मुदमुपय'न्नो वाग्विलासैः स्वकीयैः
परभणि'तेषु नोषं यन्ति सन्तः कियन्तः । निञधनमकरदस्यन्दपू्णालयाल: कलश-
सलिलतेकं नेहने किं रसालः ॥ Pra, R, 1. 19.
Moreover, this verse
Vs. 43
used only when the sen e of
aa-Stadionsly restrain their tongue. -
यम is
conveyed ; otherw se qa is used, Does not this line apply to
Jagantātha himself ?
* Tu quoqus ' argument, in the light of the last verse, ae
विलास ete.--क्रमलायाः ( लक्ष्याः ) बिलासाः एत्र मदिरा, तया उन्मीलऱ् ( उद्धवन्)
यो मदः तेन बूर्णिनाः (पर्याकृलिनाः ), Kings 2re mad with the incoxics-
tion of wine in the form of dalliance with Laxmi ( or graceful
movemente of Laxmi ). For the ides, compare : बोद्धारी मत्सरग्रस्ताः
प्रभवः स्मय्षिताः । अथोधोपहनाश्रान्ये जी.र्णमत्रे सुभषितम् ॥ Bhart, 3. 2,
TEa-Guntle dance. There are two varieties of dance-one,
wild and boisterous, is called aoga, and the other, mild and
gontle, is ealled लास्य, Oompare : मधु द्वतमेदेन तद द्वयं (सृष्य ध2d नृत्त )
द्विविधं पुनः । लास्यनाण्डवरूपेण नाटकाझ्युगकारकम ॥ D B.1,10. कामालस etc -
कामन अलसा या स्व्वामा तस्या अधरस्य माधुरी. The s weetness of the
lower lip of a heavenly damsel who is slothfal through the
influence of love, Haana a Pres. p. of the Denominative verb
from aT, low. Taba to lower, to throw into the bauk-groand,
VOW is
to be
His complaint may well be met by the
Ve. 44.-धुर्य -0utetanding ; exoellent, धुरं वहतीति धुर्यः , ' धुरो

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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