(बेगेन ) भङ्गुरम्, जित्वर-inning. Formed like परसृत्वर in stanza 1..
a-Worldly oppression. The world and its objects are not
what they appear to be. They are illusory. To a thinking
mind directed towards salvation the worldly existence is an
oppression because it is not the reality. The only reality is
Brahman-One without a second. For at cf. is
Bri. Up. 3-5, मृत्यो: स मृत्युमान्नोनि य इह ननिव यश्यनि ' । Kathak,
2-1-10. न्वर-Force, impetuosity. प्रभानजलज्ञ eEc.- ग्रभातन्य जल -
जान उन्न गरिमगर्वः (ुनाया गवेः), नस्य सर्व कदन्तीति | प्रhic destroF
the pride of beauty of the morning lotuses. For a parallel
idea eopare यन्नां न भामिनि निभाल यसि मनाननीलारवि्दमङनः कदासैः ;
Bham, 3-4. जगत्रिदयरोचनैः- जगत त्रिनयश्य गेचनैः- Plea3ing the
three rorlds. त्रिनयम्-त्रयोऽअयवा दस्य नन् । संख्याया अवयवे तयप्
( Pan, 5-2-42) इनि तबपू. शिशिरय-To eooi.
Vs. 3,-In this verse Krsna is spoken of as a mass of
elouds (Ftaa ) The poet tries to show the distinguishing
characteristics of this uneommon mass of clouds, whith make i:
superior to ths ordidary clouds. aaLit., a mess काटम्विनी मेघनला - अमर. Krsp9 s iceifsd with ६
a mass of eloeds because, like the latter, he is glosay and dark
in complexion. f. जयतु जयतु मेघच्यामल: कोमला जयतु जयतु पृथ्वी -
भारनाशो मुकुन्दः ॥ Kalidasa t00. apart from the aptaess of tEs
Rūpaka, has, it must be supposed, called goT a te for this very
reason : कृष्णमेवस्निरोद्घे । Bagh. 10-48. स्प्टना - स्कृनमात्रा. नरुणालयं
FFi ete.-Ordinary clouds can relieve the growing sunshine
only while they are present in the sky, But Krspa destroys
worldly cares even while he is only eontemplated by
अभड्ततविषाम्-अभङयराः तत्रूनांविषः यासां तासाम् । वलयिता - Surround-
ed. Formed from बलय + इतच् according to ' तदस्य संजातं तारकादिभ्य
इतचू'। Pan. 5-2-86. विद्युताम्-in conneetion with कृष्ण the
* lightings ' stand for the Gopis whose complexion was lustrous
The ordinary कादम्बिनी is
surrounded by hundreds of lightnings whose flashes are perish-
able and short-li ved (a3); but EoT is surrounded by lightninge?
and nonmomentary (अभड्गुर ).