consideration, or courtesy, affection or friendship from ihem.
f. एते सत्पुरुषाः परार्थवटकाः स्वार्थान्परित्य ज्य ये | Buar, 1. 75.
Vs. 39.-The stanza is addressed to a lotus-flower. ari
AaanaaThe god Vişņu holds a lotus-flower in one of his four
bands; in the other three he holds TE,
The abode of the goddes: Laxmi, qarT: is one of the many
names of Laxmi, द्विजोत्तंस-The best among birds. द्विज-द्वि्जायते
sa. The birds are twice born: once, when the mother--bird lays
the egg, and secondly, when the hatehed egg bursts and the
youngling comes out.
The lotus flower is well-born, well conrected, bas personal
charms and seductive fragrance. The coping stone of the arch
of these good qualities will be placed if the lotus-flower
cherishes affection for the best of birds-the swan.
चक्र and गइा. निवासः पद्मायाः-
The metre is शिखरिणी.
Vs. 40.-साकम् - Together with. अर्कबिम्बोपमाः- अर्कस्य विम्ब
उपमा येषां ने-Besembling tae disc of she Sun. नीरचराः- Aquatic
animals. -As the verse is addressad to the ocean of milk,
we should have expected af in place of . However, AR is
used in the general sense of the contents of the ocean.'
poet uses the word नीरचर (( and not क्षीरचर ) in order to show
that animals haunting the milky ocean are little better than
the hideous monsters of the watery ocean, eitja-is one of the
seven oeeans known in mybhology. of. क्षीरोदो लवणोदश्च दध्योदश्च
वृतोद्कः । स्वाददुकः सुरोदश्च नयैवेक्षुरसोदधिः ॥ वायुपुराण. नागयण- The god
Vişpu. He rests himself on the Seşa in tbe milky ocean. The
word is derived as follow : नरस्य इमाः नारा:, नारा: अयने यस्य से
नारायणः। 9f. आपो नारा इति प्रोक्ता आपो वै नरनूनवः । ता यदस्यायन पूर्व नेन
नारायणः स्मृतः ॥ Manu, 1. 10. भगवान्- possessing the six attributes
constitubing भग; hence, divine. of. ऐश्वर्यस्य समग्रस्य धर्मस्य यशसः श्रियः ।
ज्ञानबैराग्ययेश्रैव षण्णां भग इनीङ्गना । प्रौढि-Greatness. formed of प्र + ऊाळ,
the Vrddhi being had according to the af
The metre is शा्दूलाबिक्रीडितम्.
' प्रादूहोहोत्ये षैष्येषु ' .