प्रास्तांविकाविलासः ।
n n ~~~
याते मय्यचिरात्निदाघमिहिरज्वालाशतैः शुष्कतां
गन्ता कं प्रति पान्थसंततिरसौ संतापमालाकुला ।
एवं यस्य निरन्तराधिपटलैर्नित्यं वपुः क्षीयते
धन्यं जीवनमस्य मार्गसरसो धिग्वारिधीनां जनुः॥ १५॥
आपेद्रेऽम्बरपथं परितः पतङ्गा
भृङ्गा रसालसुकुलानि समाश्रयन्ति ।
संकोचमञ्चति सरस्त्वथि दीनदीनो
मीनो नु हन्त कतमां गतिमभ्युपैतु ॥ १६ ॥
मधुप इव मारुतेऽस्मिन्मा सौरभलोभमम्बुजिनि मंस्थाः |
लोकानामेव मुदे महितोऽप्यात्मामुनार्थितां नीतः ॥ १७ ॥
« When I am dried up by hundreds of the
fla ming rays of the summer-sun, whom will the stream
of travellers, harrassed by the great scorehing heat,
approach ? "-Blessed is the life (or water) of the pond
by the way-side, whose corpus steadily (lit. always)
wastes away under the uncea sing stress of such thoughts.
Fie on the birth of the oceans !
16 While thou art becoming contracted (i. e.
while thy water is drying up ), O lake, the birds on all
sides ha ve flown up into the sky, and the bees are
( now ) betaking themselves to the mango-sprouts. But
to what alternative, alas, can the poor pitiable fish
have recourse ?
17 In this wind as in the bee, do not presume the
greed for fragrance, 0 lotus-plant. Only for the sake
of the joy of the people has he allowed his respected self
to be a supplicant.