Bhamini Vilas - Page 75

Bhamini Vilas - Page 75

प्रास्ताविक विलास- प्रास्नाविक - Introduetory.
प्रयोजनम् (Pan. 5. 1. 108 ) इति ठक्क्.
Introductory, presumably, because the Bhāminīvilāsa opens
with it.
प्रस्तावः प्रयोजनं अस्य.
This Viläsa is called
At the same time it is to be noted that there is no
integral connection between this Vilāsa and the others that
follow it. Indeed, the commentator e a does not call it
प्रास्ताविकाविलास, bat the अन्योक्युल्लास -
point, inasmuch as it carries with it a general hint about the
nature of -its contents.
-a title certainly more to the
Another point to be noted in this
connection is that the title, whichever of the two is accepted,
this vilāsa, does not conform to the uniformity which is evident
in the titles of other vilāsas.
derive their titles from the sentiment prevailing throughout the
verses contained in them, this viläsa, in the first place, has no
such individual sentiment predominsnt in it; and, secondly, the
title is not therefore connected with any sentiment whatever.
fara-from the rt. g with 4, to shine, or to play.
While the subsquent vilasas
Vs. 1.-7-Ichor. From the temples of elephants, it is
said, a fluid with a very bitter smell 0ozes out, cf. Ragh. V.47.
and 48.
For the idea of rutting दिग्गजs, compare: दिग्गज इवानवरत-
a a a a a a:-Kād. The idea of rutting elephants seems to
be a favourite one with Jagannātha: he refers to it again and
again, e. g., in verses 25, 30, 58, 59 etc. taa-Elephants.
करट-The temples of elepuants. काकेभगण्डौ करटी'- अमर.
believed in mythology that there are eight quarter-elephants,
one in each of the eight major points of the compass.
names are: ऐरावतः पुण्डरीको वामनः कुमुदोs्जनः । पुष्पदन्तः सार्वभोम ः सुप्रतीकश्व
दिग्गजाः ॥ अमर. करिण्यः कारुण्यास्पदम् - The eode of chivalry forbids
all-especially strong men, to lay violent hands on a female.
ef. श्रीषु गोघु न शत्तराणि पातयेद् ब्राह्मणेषु च १ यस्य चाम्नानि भुजीत यत्र
च स्यात्प्रतिश्रयः ॥ इति सन्तोऽनुशासन्ति सज्जनं धर्मिणः सदा । Mbb, 2. 41. 18,
f. (Oitras'la P. Bdition); also, अवध्यां च खरिय प्राहूस्ति्यग्योनिगतामपि.
It is

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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