cherish affeetion, मधुप-मुधु पिरबति इति It means (i ) the bee, o:
(ii) one who drinks wine, hence a vicious man.
The netre is হाूलविक्रीडितम.
Meritorious persons should not conceive friendship oz
relation with wicked men,
1t is beneath them.
Vs. 83.-लीलाषुङकलितनयनम्-लीलया पुक्रुलिते नयने यथा स्यानां तथा )
Adv. comp, with eyes playfully closed. The elephant who is
at eternal enmity with the eventually ferocious lion, is starkly
foolish to ignore his own perilous condition & sleep comfor-
tably. of. विधाय बैरं सामरे नरोडरै ये उदासते । क्षे दावानलं क्षिप्त्वा शेरने
तेऽभिमारुतम् ॥
Having contraeted enmity with a powerful enemy, one
cannot afford to be negligent.
Vs. 64.-पराश्चन्नि-Beturn, prove false. याताश्रेन्न पराश्चन्ति -9f
ऋषीणां पुनरा्यानां वाचमथोऽतुधावति । Uttar. I, द्विरद-An elephant.
The wise speak rarely; but when they do, they speak what
they mean. सत्यप्रतिज्ञा हि भषान्ति साधवः । Mbh.
Vs. 65.-iara-Generosity. Th- celestial tree is suppos-
ed to fulfil all the desires expressed before it. an-The best
अर्थिप्रवरार्थि नार्पणविधौ- अर्थिषु वराः, तेषामार्थतस्य
among liberal givers.
(ईंण्सितस्य) अर्पणविधौ. In tae matter of acceding to the reques ts
of worthy supplicants (only). a n Facalty of discrimination.
The metre is शाूलाविकीडितम्.
Itis good to be generous; but better to be generous to
See notes on verse 35.
those who deserve.
Vs. 66.-aa -Gen, pla of the pres. part masc. of aa
wibh वि. अपघूण:-Merciless. गूढाशया:- W hose intentions are
concealed, fa-How many. It is Nom. pln of pfa, the termi-
nation being dropped according to a a -Pān 7. 1. 22.
त्वच्षुल्यकक्षाः-0f thy by pe. भ्रुपानां भवनेषु etc. - A aicked man in the
palace of a king is an eyesore to Bhartrhari : qa a aa
मनसि सप्त शल्यानि मे ।1. 66. The hunter is not alone in the world