the Himālaya mountain, aa ate -The reference is
az follows: when Indra tegan to lop off the wings of the
mountains which few about here and there and threatened not
only human beings but gods as well, the a a a hahar riedly
plunged itself into the ocean and thus escaped the shearing at
the hands of Indra, gf. असूत सा नागवधूपभोन्यं मैनाकमन्मोनिधिबद्धसरख्यम् ।
हुद्धेऽपि पक्षच्छिदि वृत्रशत्राववेडनाज्ञं कुलिशक्षनानाम् ॥ Kumar 1. 20. For
चिरं जलनिधौ मझः ead what Bhartrhari says : बरं पक्षच्छेदः समद-
मघवन्दुक्तकुलिशप्रहारैरुद्च्छद्हलगहनोद्वारउशभिः: । तुषाराद्रेः सूनेरह पिनरि ह्लेश-
वিম্বট ন चसौ संपानः पयानि पयसां पत्युरतचितः ॥ 1, 36.
Ts, 87.--नुण्यम्-on-possession -
There is a current of irony in the stanza. The poet
of merits. साधीयः-
says, as greatness or possession of good qualities involves
greater dangers, it is better to be devoid of good qualities !
In this way he wishes to point out the foolishness of men. cf.
द्वावेव ग्रसने दिनेश्वरनिशाप्राणेश्वरो भातुरौ भ्रातः पर्वणि पश्य दानवपति शीर्षाव-
शेषीकृतः ।। Bhart, 1. 34.
Vs. ১৪,-परोपसर्पण ete:--परस्य ( परं प्रति ) उपसर्पणं तेन अनन्ता चिन्ता,
सा एवं अनलः तस्य शिखानां (ज्वालानाम् ) शतैः | To approach others with
a request for help means a good deal of trouble to the hearts of
Blessed are they.
साधु जीवन्ति-They ive a blessed life.
Vs, 89.-In this stanza many words bear a double mean-
ing. -(i) In a vacant place, in a corner. (ii ) In a vacant
dull mind. gurai a a i) The spider spreads the webs.
Here guy means a fibra. (ii) A good man imparts good qualities.
Hngaa-(1) Bỷ the webs of his own fibres, (ii) By many
qुualities of his own. विवराणि पुद्रयन्- ( i ) Oovering up holes or
fissures, (ii) Cancealing the vulnerable or weak points (-
FToi ) of others. 50ig-A spider. The spider weaves the web
of thin threads in out-of-the-way corners. By means of paro-
nomastic words, the poet shows how a good man and a spider
work much the same way.