Bhamini Vilas - Page 144

Bhamini Vilas - Page 144

जाबदशेषगुणाकरं पुतवरस्नमलंकरणं भ्ुवः । तदषि तत्क्षणभाड्के करोतिचेदह कष्-
-मपण्डितता विधेः ॥ Baar. 1. 9. दुर्नति -wWर 1cked polcy%3B per verse
managemet t. कोपदहन etc.-कोग पूव दहन:, तस्य ज्वालाभिज्जंटालः-
Flaming with the fire of anger. For the formation of the word
STETE see Prūstavik. 35. si etc.-The poet, of course, refers
to the flagrant ironies of life. But he is painfully conscious of
his own helplessness and iusignificance; otherwise, it seems, he
would huve taught na an how to mend His ways !
Vs. 88,-This stanza marks the beginning of the end of
the Sāntavılāsa, The followiog points are to he noted ; (i)
This stanza and the following ones are sharply different in the
nature of tbeir contents from all the preceding stanzas ; and, in
fact, ( ii ) ther havenothing in them cOunect-d with the prevail-
ing sentiment of the whoie Vilāsa. (iii) Tuey all more or
less hold together from the point of view of their coutents,
form the cunciluding portion not only of the Śāotavilāsa but of
the whole Bhāminivilāsa as well. ( iv ) These stanzas show
Jaganı ātba's high self-consciousness as a poet. They breathe
defiance and challenge of other poets, almost curses at those
who cannot appreciate and acknowledge Jagannātha's worth as
a poet, and pontifical sniffs at the hum ble beginners in the
realms of poetry. (v) They refer, again and again, to what
Jagannātha louked upon as the one outstanding merit of bis
poetry-gi. And lastly, ( vi ) They are conspieuvus for the
more or less autobingraphical element in them,
Haa -The Meru mountain, the furthest Northerly out-
मलयवयित- मलयेन वलायतः
(संजातत्रलयः ) Fringed by the Malaya mountain, The मलय is in
The sea-shore bounded by the Malaya' is here
looked upon as the southermost limit of India. a
Eola-From the foot of the Meru mountain down to the sea-
৪hore in the South, आ ( आङू ) is a कर्मप्रवचनीय and governs the
the Ablative. “ qaaaa aaha a Pān. 2. 3. 10. It means either
(i) beginning from, or ( ii)up to , काव्यप्रणयनपटवः- काव्याना
post known to Indian mythelogy.
the South.

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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