प्रास्ताविकविलासः ।
बेतण्डगण्डकण्डूतिपाण्डित्यपरिपन्थिना ।
हरिणा हरिणालीषु कथ्यतां कः पराकरमः ॥ ६१ ॥
नीरात्निर्मेलतो जनिर्मधुरता रामासुखस्पर्धिनी
वासः किं च हरे करे परिमलो गीर्वाणचेतोहरः ।
सर्वेस्वं तद्हो महाकविगिरां कामस्य चाम्भोरुह
त्वं चेत्पीतिमुरीकरोषि मधुपे तत्त्वां किमाचक्षमहे॥ ६२ ॥
लीलामुकुलितनयनं किं सुखशयनं समातनुषे |
परिणामविषमहरिणा करिनायक वर्धते वैरम् ॥ ६३ ॥
विद्ुर्षां वदनाहाचः सहसा यान्ति नो वहिन ।
याताश्चेच्न पराञ्चन्ति द्विरदानां रदा इव ॥ ६४ ॥
औढ़ार्य भुवनत्रयेऽपि विदितं संभूतिरम्भोनिधे-
्वासो नम्दनकानने परिमलो मीबवाणचेतोहरः।
61 What valour should the lion, who claims the
cleverness in scratching the itch on the temples of
elephants, proelaim before herds of deer ?
62 Thy birth (is ) from cl ear water; thy beauty
rivals that of the face of a beautiful woman; thy
residence, too, (is) in the hand of Hari; and thy perfame
ca ptivates the hearts of the gods. Therefore thou art
the precis of the words of great poets and the all-in-all
of Cupid, o lotus. If thou shouldst conceive attach-
ment to the honey-sucker, what shall we say to thee ?
63 O best among elephants, why dost thou lie
down comforta bly, with eyes playfully closed ? (Thou
shouldst know that) enmity with the lion who is in the
end dreadful ( only ) grows.
64 Never do words rashly escape the lips of the
wise. And once escaped, they never go back like the
tusks of elephants.
65 Generosity known all over the three worlds,
birth from the ocean, residence in the Nandana forest,