Bhamini Vilas - Page 142

Bhamini Vilas - Page 142

graphical, it will go to show that that poet Jagannātha passed
his last days in Benares on the banks of the divine Ganges.
But sea vs. 45 below.
Vs. 32.-धावं धावम्-धावित्वा धावित्वा. By continually running
abont. It is a Gerund in णहन्द् मम शिरसि अस्त - imost a verna
cular phrase. Krsn. is ov=r mv head i, e. he is there superin-
tending or luoking after me.
of Resignation unto the proteut on of Krşpa who, the poet be-
lieves, will surely pilot his protége safely to his Haven,
The verse expresses an alti ude
V.. 33.- a
-The poet addresses his own heart or
mind. मनोभवशासत्रनं - मन. से भव: मनोभवः ( कामः ), तस्य शासनः शिव: । The
destroyer of the minc-burn God of love-Šiva, cf. Prā«tavik,
88. अनारतम् adv.-Ceaselesal y. आमनन्नम् - From the pres. p of
आ+म्ना to coutemplate. संसृतिग्त- The chasm of Saneara, एता-
Fa-By this much, i. e. by huriing me into the pit of the
world. gaaTi:-The sorrow about the son.
he is therefure the son of qa. The tenor of the verse is as
follows : The pset ( or the speaker) is 1ntent up n the contem-
plation of Siva; he is fervently praying to Siva. Bui, in spite
of his devotion, his mind runs after worldly enj yments which
Kama is मनोभव;
are sure to fetter the soul. The oet attributes this adverse
attitude of the ' mind ' to the mind's desire to avenge tue death
of its son ( Kāma ) by harassing the devotee uf Siva who had
burnt Kama, But no abatement of the miud's sorrow for
its dead son is lkely to result from such a course of vicarious
Vs. 34.--मरकतमाणि-Eneralds which
colour. मेदिनीघर-Amountain.
T t. The delusion was caused by the dark complexion
of Râma.
are dark green in
pers. Siug. Perf. pass of
Vs. 35-The idea is much the same as in the lass verse : On
seeing Rāma from afar, the Rşis wondered what that dark
glistening thing was ! a a a-The Jumna. The water of the

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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