The metre is द्रुनविलांचीन.
द्ुतविलंबितमाह नभौ भरौ.
The good always work for others; their words are sweet,
they are broad-minded, and their fame is pleasant and un-
Vs. 113.-एत्य-Gerund of आा + इ bo go, कुसुमाकरः- Tbe
vernal season, a a Which is lost long since. The cuckoo
does not feel inspired to coo out his sweet notes except in
spxing. समधायि- 3xd per. sing. Aor. pass. of सम् + धा to fasben.
हुदये संधा-To aim at the the heart, शौभिक-A hunter. While
the Cuckoo was thus basbing in pleasant dreams of the future,
a hunter aimed an arrow at him. For the same idea expressed
under different eircumstances see verses 57 and the verse quot-
ed in the notes on it.
Vs. 114,-Aga -Very showy, pompously decorated.
The want of intrinsic worth can never be adequately made
up for by external get-up however pompous. A fool will
remain a fool, however much he may try to look otherwise.
Vs. 115.-सदः n.-An assembly. सदः खलजनेविना- खलs wi]l
please note! कटुबणेर्विना काव्यम्-A poem looks good when ib is
free from ag words. -Does not mean exactly harsh', for
harsh words sometimes add to the ra of a poem and are there-
fore permissible in it. g must therefore be understood in a
general sense,
which is not swayed by worldly objects.
* ungentle ' .
or jarring '.
मानसं eto.-Mind
Vs, 116.-तस्वम्-Quintessence, bhe heart, म
Fana. One who really appreciates, a connoisseur.
Except. Governs the Accusative.
Vr. 117.-The stanza, apparently addressed to
settling on gT a a a a hints at the man who indulges in
intercourse with a woman in menstruation, aa ahaFT-(1) E
means the pollens in flowers. Hence, aana h ans
а bee
* having