रे चाञ्रल्यजुषो सृगाः श्रितनगाः कल्लोलमालाकुला-
मेतामम्बुधिकामिनीं व्यवसिताः संगाहितुं वा कथम् ।
अत्रैवोच्छलदम्बुनिर्भरमहावतैः समावर्तितो
यद्गावेव रसातलं पुनरसौ यातो गजग्रामणीः ॥ ५८ ॥
पिव स्तन्यं पोत त्वमिह मद्दन्तावलधिया
दृगन्तानाधत्से किमिति हरिदन्तेषु परुषान् ।
त्रयाणां लोकानामपि हृयतापं परिहर-
ननयं धीरं धीरं ध्वनति नवनीलो जलधरः ॥ ५९ ॥
धीरध्वनिभिरलं ते नीरद मे मासिको गर्भ ।
उन्मदवारणबुद्ध्या मध्येजठरं समुच्छलाति ॥ ६० ॥
respective duties, I shall fy away from the cage after
breaking open the cage-door with my pointed beak"-
even while the good parrot was thus enjoying the nectar
of his dreams (ideas). there entered into the cage a huge
serpent resembling the trunk of an elephant in shape !
58 O fickle-minded deer resting under the trees, how
is it that you are preparing to enter this river undula-
ting with surging waves ? For, in this very river that
mighty elephant was drowned like a stone, being tossed
a bout by the tremendous whirls of the rough water.
59 0 youngling (of a lion ), go on sucking the
milk. Is it on account of the thought of intoxicated
elephants that thou art directing the sharp corners of
thy eyes to the ends of the quarters ? (It is only ) the
new dark cloud, which, removing the oppression of the
heart of the three worlds, thunders in full volume.
60 Enough of thy deep rumbles, O cloud; my
phoetus, one month old, jumps up in my womb, thin-
king (it to be the gurgle of ) a rutting elephant !