৪ccording to 'युध्मनल्मवेरन्यनग्स्यां खञ्च '- Pan., 4. 8. 1, the ades'a
नबक being had by the sitra दवकममक वेकवचने'- Pan 4. 3. 3.
The metre is मालिनी, ननमयययुनेयं मालिनी भोगिलोकैः ।
It is not the dependants or the hangers-on that may be
expected to do justice to the good qualities of their patron.
There always are men with an appreciative eye, who of their
own accord proclaim the merits of others, and yet expect no
Virtue will out-throngh appreciative, yet disin-
terested, men.
Vs. 5.-ai 3-is used here in the causal sense, i. e.,
it is equivalent to aagai aa, to subject to denunciation, to
despise, ga-A kind of tree with a bitter smell, blossoming
in the rainy season.
insignificant, gf-with a protuberating belly, hence, burst-
ing with. तुन्दिलस्तुन्दिभस्तुन्दी बृहत्कृ्षिः पिचाण्डिलः- अमर. The metre is
गीति (a modifcation of आर्या ). आर्याप्रथमार्धसमं यस्याः पराधमीरितां गीति: ।
It is looked upon as worthless and
The poet warns low and ignorant people against being
indifferent or discourteous, through meanness or ignorance,
to great men who are held in high esteem in higher circles.
Vs.6.-यावतू-तावत्-As long as, till. यापय-2 sing., Imp.
caus, of या bo go; यापय्
बनान्तरम्. मिलदलिमालः-मिलन्त्यः अलीनां मालाःयस्मिन सः - About which
swarms of bees hover,
-To pass. विरसान्- cheerless. वनान्तर- अन्यद्वनं
The metre is s.
यस्याः पदि प्रथमे द्वादशमात्रास्तथा तृतीयेऽपि ।
अष्टादश द्वितीये चतुर्थके पञ्चदश साय्या ॥
The cycle of fortune spares none-not even those who are
habituated to a life of ease & comfort. They should some-
how pass the period of adverse circumstances with faith in
the future.
tulness of time. Patience, of course, till then ! For the idea.
compare विपदि वैर्यमथाभ्युद्ये क्षमा etc.-Bhar, 1. 63. A lso of. विपटा:
स्थेयम् etc.-Ibid. 1. 28.
Fortune that has frowned will smile-in the