Bhamini Vilas - Page 96

Bhamini Vilas - Page 96

The poet expresses the dilemma : whetber to praise a great
man for his good gualities, or to despise him for bis bad traits,
both of whià se, lixe ail others, possesses, Preference to
either worid betray partiality or prejudice; overlooking or
.açceptirg toth only shelves, rot solves, the question. A knotty
problem indeed !( though, it must be admitted, very few wil
fail to make ap their minds in practice ).
Oompare : इनः स्वपिति केशवः कुलमितस्नदीयद्विषा -
मितश्च शरणार्थिनः शिखरिणां गणाः शेरते ।
इनोपे बडवानलः सह समस्तसंवर्तकै-
रहो बिततमूर्जितं भरसहं च सिन्धोर्वपुः ॥ Bhar. 1. 77.
Vs. 41.- a used with a noun in the Instrumental means
:what's the use of ? ' STa Dark & glossy like a cloud.
Lit, acting like a cloud. अभ्रमिवाचरति इति अभ्रायते, according to
कतुः क्यङ सलोपश्च ! -Pan. 3. 1. 11.
What is the good of abundant posseseions if the possessor
cannot help the needy therewith?
Vs. 42.-इयती-Ihis mneh, आर्तानम्- Of the thirsty. आर्त -
Aflicted. The third pāda contains a Loc. Abs. constr. -
Oinder, The sun throws rays as scorching as cinders.
The metre is হिखरिणी.
Help others while yet you can. The wheel of fortune
keeps on turning: one never knows when circumstances will
change for the worse.
Vs. 43.-3 -The rt. conjoined with the adverbs
उरी, उररी & ऊररी means 'to aceept,
aa-A supplicant. The cloud takes water from the ocean,
ef. Ragh, 13-14. Is it not surprising, therefore, that the sea
should receive the rain-water sent down by a beggar
cloud ) whom he had himself helped ?
रोषमुरीकृ- Po get angry.
( the
The metre is মাलभारिणी. ससजा: प्रधमे पदे शुरूचेत्सभरा येन च
मालभारिणी स्यात् ।

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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