भुक्ता मृणालपटली भवता निपीता-
न्यम्बूनि यत्र नलिनानि निषेवितानि ।
रे राजहंस वढ तस्य सरोवरस्य
कृत्येन केन भवितासि कृतोपकारः ॥ ४६ ॥
प्रारम्भे कुसुमाकरस्य परितो यस्योल्लसन्मञ्जरी-
पुन्ने मञ्जुलगुज्ितानि रचयंस्तानातनोरूत्सवान् ।
तस्मिन्नद्य रसालशाखिनि दृशां दैवात्कृशामत्रति
त्वं चेन्सुश्चसि चञ्चरीक विनयं नीचस्त्वदन्योऽस्ति कः ॥ ३७॥
एणीगणेषु शुरुगर्वनिमिलिताक्षः
कि कृष्णसार खलु खेलसि काननेऽस्मिन ।
सीमामिमां कलय भिन्नकरीन्द्रकुम्भ-
मुक्तामरयीं हरिविहारवसुंधरायाः ॥ ४८ ॥
the garden of Indra, were smelt by the gods-when
that bee is driven by fate to seek (thy) juice to-day,
what shall we say to thee, O lotus, if thon shouldst
become self-sparing (lit. greedy ) at this time?
46 Hey, swan, say in what way are you going to
return the obligation to the great lake in which you
have enjoyed bunches of lotus-stalks, drunk water, and
resorted to lotus-flowers ?
47 The mango-tree in whose clusters of tender
blossoms shooting forth all round at the advent of the
vernal season, thou, O bee, humming sweetly a.bout, didst
feast thyself so well-that mango-tree is now reduced
to a faded condition by fate; if now, O bee, thou dis-
cardest courtesy, who else can be meaner than thyself ?
48 O antelope, why, indeed, dost thou, with eyes
blinded with overpowering pride, disport thyself in this
foręst in the midst of the female-deer ? Just mark this