Bhamini Vilas - Page 98

Bhamini Vilas - Page 98

feasted thyself, humming sweetly all the while. gaa a
A mannerism, the mange-trees blossom in spricg, & the bees
bave a merty tce. gf. ন है प्रकुल्ल सहकारमेत्य छु्ान्तरं काङलनि वद्पड़ाली ।
Ragh. 8. 69;
নিষशयानान नुद्धिकसामाक्षराणीय मनोभवत्य ॥ Kumar 8. 27.
कुदुनाकरादाये । 4fter Spring ba5 eome to an end. रसालशाखिन्द-The
mango-tree. Eai at a k nTo fall into straitened circumstances,
च्री क--a bee. ्वत् -Abl, Sing. of युध्मङ्र. अन्य governs the Ab1.
according to the Sutra agi a a eate--Pān. 2. 3. 26, If
the bee, that has basked in the plenty wbich the mango-
132 ्यः प्रवालोदधमचार्पत्रे नीने समानिं नवचूनयाजे |
tree offers in spring, chooses to leave the tree when its
effiorescence is at an end, and transfers his attentions to other
trees, it only bespeaks his unmitigated meanness.
The metre is शादूलचिक्रीडिनम्.
Mean & zelish persona flock around us in our prosperity,
but in adveraity they leave us unceremoniously.
Vs. 48,-उणीगण-4 fock of female deer, गुरुगर्व -गुरुणा
गर्वेण निमीलिने अक्षिणी यस्य सः, wibh 6yes blinded with great pride,
कृष्णसार- black buck. कलयू-To count, to note. मुक्तामयी-Full
of pearis. Tae afix मयट shows abundance. ' तत्पकृतवचने मयट् ।'-
Pan. 5. 4. 21. बिहारवसुन्धरा - Sporting ground.
The metre is वसन्तनिलका.
In the exaltation of the moment, one should nct lose sight
of one's limitations. He who ignores this rale only courts
Vs. 49.-जठरज्वलनज्वलना-Who is being consumed by the
gastric fire i. e. who is frightflly hungry, agnaag-Fearlessly.
It is an adv. comp. RUTr-A herd of deer. Note the
alliteration in the second half of the stanza. nakOTT-ef.
मक्तेभेन्द्रविभिन्नकुम्भेकवलप्रासैकवद्धस्पृहः (केसरी ) । Bhar. 1. 29. The lion
is the enemy of elephants; how can he kill the innocent
insignifeant deer ? of. सिंहो जम्बुकमड्ुमागतमपि त्यक्तवा निहन्ति द्विपं सर्वः
कच्छुगतेऽपि वाष्छदि जनः सत्ानुरूपं फलम् ॥ Bhar. 1, 80.

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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