Bhamini Vilas - Page 81

Bhamini Vilas - Page 81

The metre-is पृथ्वी. जसौ जसयलावसुप्रहयानिश्च पृथ्वी एरुः ।
In this verse, the poet refers to the pangs of one who
has fallen from' a high position, and is constrained to live in
low surroundings. A conscientious
change for the worse in his position with equanimity, for sueb
degradation forees him to live among people of a lower
stratum than he is used to. Oompare सुखानु यो याति नरो दृरिद्रनां धृतः
शरीरेण मृतः स जीवति-Mxchh, I.
Vs. 3.-The first three pādas contain various Loc. Abs
construetions, लोल-Tremulous. चकोरीगण-the cakora, male o1
female, is a bird which is believed to pine for the sight of the
moon in order to quench its thirst with her rays. ef. *
चासिताक्षि मृगलाव्छनसंभ्रमेण चञ्चूपुटं चटुलयन्ति चिरं चकोराः । Bham. 2 78;
also, चकोर्य एव चतुराश्रन्द्रिकापानकर्मणि । कैरव-A night lotus. The
night-lotuses open at the sight of the moon. ef. pgra a a a:
सबिता बोधयति पंकजान्येव-Sak, 5, 28, मौन पुच्.- The poet looks upon
the closed lotusflowers as modest and bashful, and therefore
silent. But about the time of moon-rise, they bagin to
bloom, i. e., to shed off their silence, i
open'. The expression is pregnant, indeed. aa a Desirous
to start. प्रस्थातु कामः यस्य सः.
purpose is dropped in accordance with the dictum g :
कृत्ये तुं काममनसोरपि । आडम्बर-A pompeus sho w, hence, muster.
* आडम्बरः समारभ्भे,-विश्व.
The metre is शा्टूलविक्रीडित. सूर्याश्चियदिमः सजौ सततगा: शार्दूल-
बिक्रीडितम् ।
man cannot aecept &
therefore means 'to
The Anusvāra of the Inf, of
Power must be helpfully exercised:
considerateness will only embellish it, and distinguish it from
savagery. Cf. Tis good to have a giant's strength; but
it's monstrous to use it like a giant '.
Imagination and
The variant स्पन्दमान mean!
V 4.-स्यन्डमान-Oozing out.
*bubbling out '.
padas, g-Ado,, Sweetly.
wrded). तावकीन-Thy. Formed by the addition of खन्ू ( ईन)
Note the effeot of alliteratibn in the first two
निरपेक्षः-Xot caring ( to he re-

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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