Bhamini Vilas - Page 41

Bhamini Vilas - Page 41

प्रास्ताविकाविलासः ।
लोकोत्तरा च कृतिराक्ृतिरातैहद्या
विद्यावतां सकलमेव गिरां दरवीयः ॥ ६८ ॥
आपद्गतः खलु महाशयचक्रवर्ती
विस्तारयत्यकृतपूर्वसुद्धारभावम् ।
कालागरुदेहनमध्यगतः समन्ता-
ल्लोकोत्तरं परिमलं प्रकटीकरोति ॥ ६९ ॥
रोषोऽपि निर्मलधियां रमणीय एव ।
लोकंप्टणैः परिमलैः परिपूरितस्य
काश्मीरजस्य कदुतापि नितान्तरम्या ॥ ७० ॥
लीलालुण्ठितशारदापुरमहासंपद्भराणां पुरो
विद्यासझविनिर्गलत्कणसुषो वर्गन्ति चेत्पामरा:।
ordinary, too, are their a ctions; while their form is
agreeable to the distressed-Everything about the learn-
ed beggars deseription (lit. is far removed from speech).
69 The sovereign among the high-minded extends,
even though he be in adversity, unprecedented magnani-
mity. Black aloes, thrown into fire, emit uncommon
perfume all round.
10 Even the anger of the righteous (lit. clear-
headed ), who are endowed with the weight of all love-
able qualities, is charming indeed. Even the bitterness
of saffron charged with all-satiating fragrance is highly
71 If dunces, who steal the grains dropping out
from the mansion of Learning, strut about in front of
those who have looted with ease the great mass of
wealth from the city of S'ārada ( the goddess of learn-

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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