शान्तविलासः ।
आस्ये धास्याति कस्य लास्यमधुना धन्यस्य कामालस-
स्वर्वामाधरमाधुरीमधरयन वाचां विपाको मम ॥ ४३ ॥
धुयैरपि माधुर्यद्राक्षाक्षीरेक्षुमाक्षिकसुधानाम् ।
वन्धैव माधुरीयं पण्डितराजस्य कवितायाः ॥ ४४ ॥
शास्त्राण्याकलितानि नित्यविधयः सर्वेऽपि संभाविता
दिल्लीवल्लभपाणिपल्लवतले नीतं नवीनं वयः |
संप्रत्युज्झितवासनं मधुपुरीमध्ये हरिः सेव्यते
सर्व पण्डितराजराजितिलकेनाकारि लोकाधिकम् ॥ ४५ ॥
दुर्घत्ता जारजन्मानो हरिष्यन्तीति शङ्कया |
मदीयपद्यरत्नानां मञ्जूषैषा कृता मया ॥ ४६ ॥
इति पण्डितराजश्रीजग्नाथकविविरचिते भामिनीविलासे शान्तविलासः ।
tions, which out-do the swreetness of the lower lip of a
celestial damsel indolent with amorousness, dance
gracefully ?
14 This sweetness of the poetry of the Panditaraja
is surely worthy to be respected even by the outstand-
ing sweetnesses of grapes, milk, sugar-cane, honey,
and ambrosia.
45 Sāstras have been perused; all the enjoined
religious rites, too, have been observed. The prime
of life has been spent comforta bly under (literally, in
the sprout-like palm of ) the lord of Delhi. And now,
Hari is being worshipped in Madhupuri, after having
abandoned all desires-in everything the ornament of
the tribe of good poets, i. e. Jagannātha, has done
better than others.
46 This box is fashioned by me ( for the safe
keeping ) of gems of my verses lest bastards of evil
conduct shoald sneak them away.