Bhamini Vilas - Page 132

Bhamini Vilas - Page 132

Vs. 9.-नयनानन्द etc.नयनयोः आनन्दः तस्य सन्दोहः (आधिक्यस्)
নस्य तुन्दिलीकरणे क्षमा (समर्था ) । Providing mueh delight to the eyes.
तुन्दिलीकरणम्-bs, noun from तुन्दिलीकृ hih is a चिव form. तुन्दि-
E-To fatten, to increase. For afs see Prāstavika, 5.
Va. 10.-STE-Advice. Here the poet refers to the aa-
za or ' the inner voice' which is the voice of God. of. aT:
सर्व भूतानां हृदेशेऽ्जुन तिष्ठति । Bh, G, 18.
alwaya guides or warns the individual to whom it is open to
accept this divine lead or not.
केभ्य उन्निनीषत एवं उपवासाधु कर्मकारयति नै यमधोनिनीषते । । Kau. Br. 8-8.
केनापि देवेन हृद स्थितेन यथा नियुक्तिंो ऽस्मि नथा करोमि । Or Ehe reference may
be to the Vedas and other Revealed texts which are believed
to be the words of God. But, says the poet in self-deprecation,
he has not beeded tho advyice of the Sruti, because he was too
mueh obsessed. with egotism ( अहंभाव ). आगःशनशालिन- Credited
with hundreds of sins. a k Among ene's own men.
gisTT-One 7: means from me'. It is the the Abl, Sing. of
. The other qa: means foolish '. It is the p. p, of
be mad.
Vs. 11.- -The nether world. Strictly speaking,
mrthology knowa of seven nether worlds, अतल, वितल, etc., पाताल
being the nethermost. grgi-The city of gods, Amarávati. -
is the golden mountain. पारावारपरंपराः पारावार 7mea ns an ocean;
पारावारः सरित्पातिः अमर.
is giuen as seven : क्षीरोंदो लवणोदश्च दध्योदश्च घृतोदकः । स्वाहूदकः सुरोदश्च
तथैबेक्षुरसोदधिः ॥ वायुषुराण. आशा न शान्तास्तव -३upply माविष्यन्तिः This
is a correct observation wbhich can be verified from experience.
Satisfaction of desires only sharpens their appetite. of.
न जातु कामः कामानाम्रुपमोगेन शाम्यति । हविषा कृष्णव्मैव भ्रूय एवाभिवर्धते ॥
आधि-Mental pain. पुस्याधि्मानसी व्यथा । अमर जरा.- Decay, Decre-
pitude. The poet addresses the soul
to great mental and physical torture. n.--Welfare. -
This Inner divinity?
cf. एव हयेच साधु कर्मकारयनि नं यमेभ्ये
मत्ते न
In mythology the number of oceans
which has been subjected
To taste.
The only means of escaping from the terrible vortex
of the world and of attaining real happiness is the devotion of
Kxsna. शून्यैः किमन्यैः श्रमैः-i. e. otber religious means like the

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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