Bhamini Vilas - Page 84

Bhamini Vilas - Page 84

Vs. 9.- -Ample. 3 3 pers. Piu, pass, Aor, of
नी. Construe the latter halt of the stanaa taas : हा तेन मधुकरेण
कथे खडु कुटजे ईहा नेने । तेने-3 per. sing. pass. Perf. of तन्-to
extend. far-Longing.
The metre is .
Can those who know better be so fallen as to stoop low,
and insalt their own knɔwledge & dignity ? Experience
perhaps replies, yes'! This fickleness on the part of better
men is deplored by the poet here. One can imagine how in
the light of this stanza Jagannātha would have raised his-
hands in horror at shri Kxsna for अतीवं सुन्दरतमा हित्वा त्रजस्रीरसौ
यस्कुब्जां चकमे...!
Vs. 10.-H -Sandal wood; here, the sandal tree, tg 6-
Conj., to vomit, to eject. qirua -With effusions of perfume.
The metre is fa.
The large-minded overlook the wickedness of others, and
even obige their enemies. उदारयरितानां तु वसुधेव कुटुम्बकम् ie
literally true of them.
Vs. 11,-पाटीर-Sandalwood. पटा: सन्ति यस्य स पटी तन्तुवायः
तद्छ् ईरयाति स्वपुणानन्यत्र पटादों स यथा प्रेरयानि तद्वत्स्वनिष्ठसौरभ्यादि धर्माश्चन्दन-
द्रुमादौ पेरयतीति पटीरो मलयाचलस्तत्र भवः पाटीरस्त्संबुद्धावधि मलयनिलय चन्दन
इत्यर्थः । -अच्युतराय. पटीयान्-अतिशयेन पटुः very elever, उरीकर्तुम् -to
imbibe, to adopt. परिपाटी-Mode, habit. पुषटिं तन् Merely means
* to delight; ' the poet is obviously drawn into the use of this.
laboured phrase by the lure of alliteration, This satisfaotion
he has earned only at the cost of directness. The mėtre-
is गीति.
The idea is much the same as in the preceding verse.
घृष्टं धृष्टं पुनरपि पुनश्चन्दनं चारुगन्धि ।
Vs. 12.-नीरक्षीरविवेक-नीरक्षीरयोः विवेकः, Distinguishing bet-
The swans are said to possess the
power to separate milk from its mixture with water, The
ween water and milk.

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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