Vs. 7.-In this stanza various words bear
meaning-one referring to the well, and the other to a lowly
bat appreciative man to whom, in fact, the stanza is addressed.
Fi-(i) Deep, (ii) Lowly, one in a low station of life. FT:
Really E, 2 Sing. Aor, of . When a verb in the Aor, is
used with 41F ( the negative particle qT ), it comes to posses
the sense of the Imperative, and drops the temporal augment.
*न माड्योगे'. अत्यन्तसरसहृदयः-अत्यन्तं सरसं हृदयं यस्य सः Hexe the
word Ta in connection with the well means
? water ',
* the interior'.
The well has much water in its in-
terior. The second meaning applicable to the lowly man is
* whose heart is very appreciative'. Ta in this connection
means the sensibility to pereeive and appreciate. gT-(i) A
cord, (ii) A good quality.
The metre is fa.
A keen sensibility to recognize and receive good qualities
from others more than redeems the lowly station of life in
which one may happen to find oneself.
Vs. 8.-HfiF-To render dirty, to disappoint.
form, अनभिज्ञ-अभिजानाति इति अभिज्ञः न अभिज्ञः अनभिज्ञः, ignorant.
परिणत.-Matured, ripeued. मार्मिकाः- मर्माणि जानन्ति इति मार्मिका:,
those who know the essence.
A च्वि
The metre is पुषिपिताग्रा, अयुजिनयुगरेफतो यकारो यजि च नजौ जरगाश्च
पुष्पिताग्रा ।
There will be not a few in the world who busy themselves
with sniffing at men whose real greatness they cannot under-
stand. Oae should not mind their croakings.
beauty shall ever have its connoisseurs-the only persons
whose opinion should carry.
Greatness or
This verse and verse 4 above are in the same vein. though
there is a subtle distinction in the scope of their meanings. In
verse 4 the poet looks upon the bees with scant regard, while
here in this verse he invests them with a dignity of their own.